question for Ed about resubmitting article

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question for Ed about resubmitting article

Post by CRDonovan »

Hi Ed, I just resubmitted the article "sustainable living - beginner's guide to growing vegetables'. I have two questions. Number one, maybe I messed up, but I thought I needed to delete the original, put in any corrections/changes, and then resubmit, with a note to you letting you know that you were seeing the same article again. I thought I was supposed to put that note in my short summary, which I did, in parenthesis. I didn't realize the note would remain in the short summary. No big deal, but, was there another way I was supposed to let you know this was the same article, that wouldn't be public?

Second question is a bit awkward. Originally, that article was selected for the Premium category. I guess I thought it was a given it would go back on, but perhaps you assess it each time as a fresh article?
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Re: question for Ed about resubmitting article

Post by Ed »

That's the right way to let me know - you have the ability to edit the short summary after approval. If it was selected for the premium category, this is also where you should let me know. Sorry about that. It's fixed now.