Customer changes mind...removes request?

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Re: Customer changes mind...removes request?

Post by cgardener »

That reply was just VICIOUS! I do not need to explain the situation whereas I came by this information, but I will.

#1, I did not chase anyone down. We have been on a forum together for about 2 years, and have become friends. This forum is totally unrelated to writing.

#2 I had no idea this person was also the customer here, until they told me (in a private email) what their customer name was here, and wanted to know if my author name was the same here as it was on the forum. All I told him was "no". I didn't even give him my author name here, because I felt that would be an unfair advantage, although I'm sure others have done it.

#3 In the course of the email, he mentioned that he had had a request up here, and had bought a couple of articles, but had taken it down, and then told me about the deal he made with the member here.

#4 YOU are the one acting totally unprofessional. I doubt flaming and unwarranted accusations are encouraged here either. I'm perfectly happy with what I'm doing here, and I have no need to hunt down and harrass anyone. But then, the guilty is always the first to accuse, so maybe you should look in the mirror.
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Re: Customer changes mind...removes request?

Post by jrichards »

There's definitely a few issues on the table here.

First off, to cgardner, if someone on the site has made you feel that you were delusional for bringing up some of your concerns. I'm sorry that we haven't created a more civil forum for people to bring their concerns up. We want this to be a friendly place for everyone to ply their skills as a writer. We're keen to hear concerns from anyone and hopefully, we can improve whatever is causing problems.

Secondly, with respect to removing requests in general, we do give customers the right to post a request and then remove it at their convenience. It's their money and they're allowed to do what they would like. Which I appreciate can be painful and frustrating when the time has already been spent writing the article, but this is something that we're not going to change. One of main features is that customers control the assignments. By putting customers in charge we hope that they appreciate the ability to get great content written quickly on topic and become regular customers.

Thirdly, as Lor mentioned, currently, when a request is taken down, there are no notices sent and no REALLY EASY way for the customer to let you know except for sending notes to all the people who they have communicated with (which can be quite a few), but their ought to be. We're working to build a system where we will have better communication regarding what happens with you articles that are on the site and having a note go out to let you know when a request that you've submitted an article to has been removed is a great idea, we will add this to our LONG list of improvements.

More to come...

Last edited by jrichards on Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Customer changes mind...removes request?

Post by melissan »

Sorry if I offended but this is a business and there are people who will write for $5 an article and those that can command $100. It is up to all of us to decide which type of writer we are. Good luck in your writing adventures.
Last edited by melissan on Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Customer changes mind...removes request?

Post by jrichards »

Fourth, you as authors are free to set whatever prices on your work you desire, even for requested content. You can submit your content with a very low price and it may be the preferred article and be purchased. But I strongly encourage everyone to view your writing as valuable and worth a reasonable price. We do. That's why we have an editor go through each article and make sure it is quality work (Thanks Ed.). And valuable work deserves a reasonable price. Offering your work for a low LOW price only means that you're getting less than you really ought to and making it hard for everyone else to get a reasonable price.

Finally, to the address the wheeling and dealing, as Celeste mentioned it requires quite a bit of time and effort for us to police the Q/A's for all the requests and see what is being said and if people are trying to work around the system. However, where people are making deals to go outside of constant-content we don't really have any choice but to ban their account. For everyone to have equal opportunity, it is only fair that those who use constant-content to go around constant-content system have to be excluded. We want everyone to be making good money through the site and consequently, we can't have people stealing away customers. Where we find authors and customers doing this we will suspend them. We do audits regularly and watch for this kind of actvity and ban people when necessary. Please do send let us know at when you see this activity happening and we can investigate the situation.

Still a little more to come.

Posts: 186
Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:42 pm

Re: Customer changes mind...removes request?

Post by jrichards »

The terms and conditions ( ... itions.htm) make this pretty clear:

"Users may not use the system to exchange contact information, including email address, phone number, fax number, home address, website address or any other information which could be used for author customer communication outside the system. Users may not circumvent the system in order to arrange or accept work with other Users that will be performed outside of the system, this includes writer soliciting publishers, publishers soliciting writers and other business arrangements."


(Ugh this 2000 character limit makes these long posts unbearable...)