Site won't let me accept best offer?

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Site won't let me accept best offer?

Post by solo »

Can someone help? I've had two best offers and both times I've had trouble accepting them. I changed the box on the right hand side to 'accepted' and pressed change. The first time it eventually went through; this time nothing is happening. I've tried also changing the box on the left hand side but it just reverts to 'waiting'. And I can't figure out what 'show' is all about... Advice would be greatly appreciated.
Gail Kavanagh
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Re: Site won't let me accept best offer?

Post by Gail Kavanagh »

I'd like to see an answer from CC on this - I am not sure the Best Offer thing works either, or if it works, how it works. I don't use this option any more, because although I have received several offers and accepted them, nothing has happened. I don't know if the publishers received my acceptances or just changed their minds.

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Re: Site won't let me accept best offer?

Post by HayleyWriter »

I have had several best offers that I have accepted sold. There have been a couple of offers that I have accepted that have not subsequently been sold, but the majority have been. I must admit I do like this feature because it helps me to price my articles. I put the prices I really want to sell the articles for and have sold quite a few without the customer making a lower offer, even though that is an option on all of my articles. However, if the article is just out of the customer's price range, they have the option to make me an offer and I can decide whether to accept or reject it. I have rejected a couple that were too low. Most of the time, I am finding this option is working for me. I usually find that the customer wants the full rights at the unique price, which works for me anyway. Hopefully, support can help sort out the technical issues you have but generally, I find this option does work!

Kind regards,

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Re: Site won't let me accept best offer?

Post by BarryDavidson »

Here's a noob question, but...

How long do those "Received Offers" stay in there? I accepted an offer weeks ago, but it's still there. Apparently the customer decided they didn't want the article. It throws me off to have more offers there than I'm showing. In other words, I've almost accepted it again (not that it would do any good) and not the most recent offer of a different article.

Perhaps a way to remove old offers can be added to the site?