Need help ... Low in Confidence

Area for content rejection questions.

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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Nessiee »

That would make sense... I don't tend to deal with requests because I would rather write about topics I'm currently interested in. But I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the link :)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Let me give you a recent example. Customer requests PC articles. I had one that fit the bill in my inventory and I posted it to the customer with a basic "For your consideration." Didn't mention who I was, how long I've been writing, my credentials, none of that.

He loved the article and said he had since checked out many of my other articles on the site and asked if I would be willing to do more for him. I've since submitted quite a few for him, all have been purchased. As he has come to see the consistent work that I've been able to deliver and get to know my style and prompt response, he has found all he needs without a lengthy bid process or resume. Since then, we've come to an agreement on pricing and I've been assigned specific topics. He also wants me to revamp his website. He is also using other writers here which is wonderful for us all.

This is how the site works. I wasn't looking for another customer; I simply had an article that met his needs and met them well. Now, I have another customer. People always ask for my secrets and why I'm so successful on CC. This example is my secret. Ssshhh. Don't tell.

Edited to add:
Also, back to the original part of this thread. I hope I'm not discouraging you in any way PCWaldorf. I know you're going to do just fine here. I'm just trying to guide you so that you better understand how CC's model works.
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by WaldorfPC »

Thanks so much for explaining that, Celeste. That makes a whole lot of sense. Sorry to cause a lot of commotion here: but, I can see that more than just me has benefited from this discussion. Glad I could help others indirectly, and thanks for explaining everything. I actually like doing it this way much better, as I can spend less time selling myself and more time doing the work. From here on out, I'm only reserving the q/a message boards for further clarification on projects, not to seal deals. Whew! I feel better now that I fully understand.

To clarify it for others, I never sealed any deals outside of CC. That, I do know, is definitely against the terms of service, as it is on any other freelance site. In my personal opinion, I feel that if people do that, it is quite disrespectful and a slap in the face because if it wasn't for sites like this, it would be ten times more difficult to make an income as a freelancer. Hence, sites like this one are popular. So credit should be given where credit is due, and in this case. CC would get the credit because we, as writers and freelancers, are benefitting from all of the hard work done on the part of the staff of CC. (I must say that it is greatly appreciated.) Thus, they'd not be cut out of the loop. I hope I cleared that up.

Thanks so much to all who have chimed in on this discussion making an effort to address my concerns.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Celeste Stewart »

No problem. I really like the way the system works. What you'll find is that while it's competitive, it's a friendly type of competition and far from cut-throat. There are so many different topics, specialties, and areas of interest and it's quite fun. You'll see writers encouraging other writers, pointing other writers to requests that they think might be up their alley, and just a general sense of comradarie that you don't normally see in this business. Many of us are dear cyber friends - not competitors.
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by WaldorfPC »

i actually really like this way of doing things. It is quite refreshing and relaxing compared to the usual. Everybody always wins in this situation. I'm so glad i found this community. It is such a treat! :)
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by cgardener »

You didn't really cause a commotion. I'm sorry if I insulted you. I'm new here too, so I was just confused about what the rules were. I'm a rules person. I like to have very clear rules so that I don't step over lines unknowingly and shoot myself in the foot.

This system is the best one I've run across, and honestly, the best community I've come across as well. Much friendlier than some other communities I've been in, where the competition is so great that they are backstabbing each other all over the place. Nobody does that here, that I've seen. I guess that's what concerned me about your post, because we all have an equal chance here to have our work seen and judged on its merits, and when a customer really likes you, he can do private requests. I can't wait to get my first private request. It will feel really good.

You'll like it here.
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Ed »

Thanks for posting the link to that information, Celeste. Yes, it is different from other sites, but this is the preferable way to approach customers.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

And a preferable way for the authors too. Writing proposals is easily a waste of time if you spend too much effort with only one or two coming through.

I love the non-cutthroat and collaborative nature here. It really is a community of writers, and one reason I try to thank every buyer who gives a request. I am just as happy for WordGypsy to sell as I am for Lor, and anyone else. Plus, well written public request responses are so often bought by other buyers, maybe a month or two later, maybe before the original requester even gets a crack at it.

When I first started, I also tried the seal the deal approach or low bidding to make sure my article was selected. Soon I learned that is completely unnecessary, and on one occasion it blew up in my face when I bid low, watched a higher price article get purchased, and then my low one sold for peanuts before I had a chance to change the price. On this site, you don't really need to compete, because whoever has the best article for the buyer's needs is purchased, and the other well-written ones won't be along for long.

Maybe on specialty topics, like the mating habits of the three-toed sloth this won't work, but in general good articles don't stick around for long...
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Lor »


"... I am just as happy for WordGypsy to sell as I am for Lor..."

Speaking for us both, we thank you kindly for it. :)

I too, like that CC is not a dog-eat-dog venue. Other than the occasional bit of silliness in the forums, we all have the same goal of success. Strong competition only leads to backbiting, jealousy and mayhem. I may be a recent addition, but I was certain from day one, this sort of thing is not in spirit of Constant-Content's pro forma. Happy to be here with that in mind.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Re: "Thanks for posting the link to that information, Celeste."

You're welcome. I knew you were MIA and I thought to myself, "WWED?" (What would Ed do)
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by jstevewhite »

Hey, I absolutely agree with what Celeste and Elizabeth have been saying. I came into CC not too long ago and found a community of writers rather than a site based on personal marketing. I really like the fact that I don't have to "market" *myself*, or spend every waking moment thinking of ways to drive traffic to articles I've written - I write articles for the requests I find interesting, or the subjects I'm interested in right now, and submit them to the site. The most promotion I need to do is exactly what Celeste said: "Please consider the article linked below for your purposes. Thanks! Steve"... If the customer likes the article, they purchase it.

But here's a secret... if you write articles of solid quality about subjects that aren't time-constrained, they will probably sell anyway. I've missed on some fairly odd requests - like a review of a car, of all things. When that one wasn't picked up by the requester, I thought sure it was dead wood. But just this month I got my trusty email: "Constant Content article sold!"... I love those. I don't make a living here, by any means, not like some of the heavy hitters - Celeste and Word Gypsy *amaze* me with their ability to produce such high quality in such volume - but I write articles, I submit them, and I pick up quite a bit for an enjoyable 'part time job'.

The thing that separates CC from the other sites I've been involved with (In the past. No longer! None compare to this one) *is* the community, and the fact that CC markets the site as a place to get quality content, and Ed enforces that commitment, and the articles *are* their own advertisements.

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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Steve and all!

You are absolutely correct. It is terrific not to have to market the articles or even waste time bidding for writing projects like you do on other sites. I have never won a bid yet so I gave up and then Ifound CC. I love waking up in the morning and checking the site or my email to find I have sold an article overnight. (This is usually what happens because I live in Australia and the time zones are very different. For example the site thinks I'm submitting this forum note at 11pm or something on Monday, but it is actually 5.15pm on Tuesday here!) I keep forgetting and wondering why Ed will approve articles on a Saturday and then ignore them until Tuesday again and then I think, oh yeah - different times and even different days!

Anyway, it is the best feeling when I get a sale and it usually keeps me smiling all day. I am also grateful for all the support I have received on the site too. It makes me feel like I can rejoice with Lor, Word Gypsy, Celeste, Elizabeth, Deb, Ed and Steve (and all the other wonderful authors here!) when they sell articles, even if I have also written one on the same topic. I can also rejoice with new people who get their first submission approved, (which is almost as exciting as the sale). I don't need to be competitive with the other authors here, it is just great for that.

So, all be upstanding please, and join me in a big hurrah for CC. You have not only met a business need in joining writers to customers, but you have made a real community of writers from all over the world. Thanks to CC!!
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Honestly, I joined CC without knowing shibbit about the freelance writing world. A true neophyte. And, based on what I learned here in the forums, I've never joined a site that required bidding on articles. So, I can definitely say that CC has been a blessing because it was like starting the race with a 5-minute lead!

Now, I just need to get back to writing! Been off and about, laying low avoiding cyberstalkers, and knitting!! :D It's definitely time to write more! Christmas approacheth, and so doth a need for much cash!! :D

And, you're 10000% right, Hayley, the lack of competitive backstabbing here is genius and much needed, and a welcome respite from the bullshibbit that takes place elsewhere!
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Lor »

Heh, Hayley, I heard my name mentioned. :) I agree with everyone. I'm happy when other writers are successful because it means CC is successful with more and more webmasters coming here to purchase quality content. Sales give all the writers hope. For many of us, article writing is still a learning curve. Oh sure we can write, but article writing for the web is so much different than writing fiction, thesis or school essays. From my perspective, I get metaphorical. I love imagry and pretty shiny words -- hard to switch gears. But I find the more I write articles the more fine-tuned the articles become. It's hard to keep it simple, but even fiction writers try to say more with less, so it's helping me there as well.

The other thing I love and agree with is that you can set your price. It is fun to wake up in the am and find you've sold something.

I'm with Hayley. Hurrah, CC

Word Gypsy
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Re: Need help ... Low in Confidence

Post by Word Gypsy »

Thank you to all of you who have expressed such kind sentiments here. I totally have not been keeping up with the forums and missed the mention of my name by several of you. The camaraderie on this site is one of the best aspects. What a wonderful bunch of writers and what a wonderful place! Keep writing and you will sell. It is rewarding for many of us, I think, to see a new set of sales shared among many writers. We are fortunate to have regular customers of this site who purchase in bulk. Happy Writing! WG