Tracing buyers

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Tracing buyers

Post by nickpaddy »

I've just had an article sell on a usage license (for the second time).
Here's the CC article link ... _Sexy_.htm

Interested to see who had bought it, and where it was being published, I googled it and was disturbed to find this:
which is either someone taking the usage license and altering the article (something I didn't think they were allowed to do) or someone plagerising the article with a few grammatically incorrect changes.

Is there any way to trace a buyer to check where content is being published and in what form? I'd like to do this not just for my clippings but as a way of keeping track of my articles and making sure they aren't being illegally copied or mangled.
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Tracing buyers

Post by HayleyWriter »

As authors, the best thing is to do is to contact support with the details of the article you sold, the licence and the website where you found it. I've had this happen a few times to me too. Support will follow it up with the customer directly.

Unfortunately, there is no other way of tracing where your work ends up besides using google search or copyscape.
