Rejection Reason

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Rejection Reason

Post by dbvirago »

I had an article rejected for no sub-topic. There was no sub-topic that was relevent. A previous article I submitted was accepted without a sub-topic when there was none relevent. Any thoughts?
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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by Ed »

Please review the following: ... ory#p30860

If your article was approved without having been placed in a topical subcategory, this was a mistake. Articles must always be placed in a topical subcat.

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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by dbvirago »

Sorry if I wasn't clear. In both cases, the articles were placed in appropriate sub-categories under Article. In the sub-sub category list, I didn't see anything I thought relevent. In the case of the one rejected, I resubmitted under another category as there were three categories where it might fit. So it ended up in Business/Internet Business rather than Internet with no sub, or Web Development/Marketing
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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by Ed »

If the article is rejected for no subcat, it means that the choice was dropped upon submission. I have been trying to work with Support to fix this problem, but until it is fixed, it is imperative that authors make sure their articles are placed in a subcat under "Articles" (it can be a general one). If the submission simply appears under "Articles," then it will not show up in a customer search. I know it's annoying, but for the reasons stated in the discussion I linked to, articles that show up under "Articles" will be rejected.

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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by dbvirago »

Thanks for your quick replies, but I'm still not communicating. My article was submitted under Articles > Internet. Under Articles > Internet, there was a 3rd level: Ebay, Fraud, and Shopping. Since none of those was relevent, I left it as Articles > Internet . It shows up that way with the subcat, under Your Content. The article was rejected for 'Please place your article in a topical subcategory upon submission.'

So either the article was rejected for the wrong reason, or the reviwer wanted a sub-sub-topic under Articles > Internet. If the latter, my question is what to do if a sub-sub category doesn't appear to be relevent. Either way, I'm confused.

Thanks again for getting back to me.
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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by Ed »

The submission showed as submitted under "Articles." No subcat. Not "Internet" or anything else. "Internet" would have been fine; you don't have to be any more specific. From what I can tell, what you seem to be indicating is that you saw one thing, and I saw another. (Please correct me if I've misinterpreted.) If this is the case, it is indeed a problem that I need to make sure Support is aware of.
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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by dbvirago »

Ahh, now we're on the same page. This is what I saw under Your Content.

Domain Parking 2008-12-26 15:14:13 > Articles > Internet review 0 Edit

Note, I have already resubbed this under > Articles > Business > Internet Business, so let me know if that is ok.
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Re: Rejection Reason

Post by Ed »

Super. Thanks for doing that, and for your patience. Now we'll see if I can adequately convey the problem to Support!