Pop Culture Topics?

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Pop Culture Topics?

Post by lizardwrites »

Hello All! I just joined CC and have yet to submit my first article. I'm a little nervous about getting started and was hoping I could bounce an article idea off you all? I would like to write an article about a certain celebrity who is having an ongoing struggle with drug/alcohol/health issues. I wanted to right about the methods he's tried to cure his addiction and how he's reacted to them. I'm not going to get an INTERVIEW with the guy because he's too famous, so I was wondering if this sort of "celebrity chatter" was the sort of thing that might actually sell on this website?

Thanks to all who have time to reply! I'm really excited to get started, but I guess the first article is going to be the hardest one for me! :)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Pop Culture Topics?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

It's worth trying. I recall some articles on Beyonce were needed by a customer at one point.

You might try two approaches. One with the celebrity chatter angle and another about struggling to overcome drug/alcohol abuses in general which would appeal to a broader range of websites. You could still mention the celebrity and his struggles as an example, but the focus would be more on help for addictions etc. Just a thought. Good luck and welcome!
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Re: Pop Culture Topics?

Post by Nessiee »

I've written a couple articles about celebrities in the past. One was snapped up right away (hours after acceptance), while the other one sold, it was much, much later. (I'm thinking at least a year.) So, I feel it's a good chance that it could sell, but it's hard to know about how fast.

Best of luck with it :)
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Re: Pop Culture Topics?

Post by dsletten »

I've written and sold a couple of articles on celebrities too. There was a buyer who requested certain ones once in a while, like who won America's Top Model and such. This buyer liked shorter articles. I think there is a market here for celebrity articles so it never hurts to try.
Good Luck!
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Re: Pop Culture Topics?

Post by BarryDavidson »

Write what you want to, and what you know. Even if it doesn't sell right away, you're still writing.

I'm sitting in a hotel in Atlantic City writing an article about the place even as we speak.