Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Jo,

I live in Sydney, Australia, right near the beach (literally a walk across the road to the water!). I guess many people would say I'm on holiday much of time, but I'm just lucky enough to live here. It's hot mid-summer here in Australia and days have been getting up close to 40 degrees in Sydney, and over that in many other cities like Adelaide and Melbourne. That means I'm writing more at night, when it cools down enough to be able to think again. We watch the Obamas on tv complaining that school is closed due to snow, and think "I can't wait until it cools down a bit here!"

Barry - I'll look out for your "holiday" articles next week. I actually got some inspiration this week, so poor Ed will have some work to do. I've got 4 articles in review at the moment! The writing is just flowing. Unfortunately, the sales have not been as good in the last week, and yes Jo, the $5 sales are ridiculous. There have been a few full rights sales between the $30 and $50 mark though, which is still a bit low for full rights, but at least gives a pretty decent return to the authors, especially if the articles were short or easy to write. Some authors keep selling themselves short though, and I don't know why. Barry - you're amazing in your sales too - I can't believe it but every time I check out your profile (I just love your picture!) you seem to have made another sale, and I saw a few computer articles in the recently sold list the other day that had your "mark" all over them.

With my writing at the moment, I'm mostly just writing what I feel like. I have written quite a few longer pieces lately, some with a lot of research, but I am enjoying what I'm writing and that's something. Even if the articles don't sell quickly, I've enjoyed the writing, so it's already been worthwhile. Anyway, gotta go, my husband wants to bottle the home brew!

Catch you all later,

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Steps away from the beach in Sydney. . . sounds wonderful! I can't complain where I am either - gorgeous southern California wine country in a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains and literally an hour away from everything So Cal has to offer: mountains, beaches, desert, and so on. Hayley, sounds like you need to write about brewing home brew! My husband used to brew his own beer, too. Hasn't for a while though. Now, he's into roasting his own coffee beans. Each morning he's like, "How do you like the Ethiopian such-and-such as compared to the Honduran blah blah blah?" I like it all but I can't tell the difference. Shsshh, don't tell.
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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Celeste,

Didn't even think of that! Watch out for my how to home brew article shortly!

Roasting your own coffee beans sounds kinda complicated too. I'm like you, I enjoy a nice coffee, but can't really pick much difference between good beans. I can definitely pick the difference between instant and "real" coffee though! I think boys just have to have some toys to play with, no matter what age they are. The toys just become more focused on 'adult' pleasures like coffee and beer!

It sounds like you live in a lovely area too. Australia is bit more spread out, with a drive of about 6-8 hours (depending on how much of a lead foot you are) to the ski mountains, and a further drive of 15 to 20 hours to really hit the dessert from Sydney. While the majority of Australia is actually desert, our cities are generally clustered around the coast. We actually have tourists who think it is possible to walk from Perth to Sydney in about 2 days and so take only a little water on the 'trek'. It takes most Aussies who know the roads over a week to drive there! We end up rescuing idiots every couple of months, people who have run out of water and realised there is an IMMENSE desert between Perth and anywhere else with water, food, or fuel! In South Australia we have a whole town that lives in dug out caves under the ground, Coober Pedy, because the desert is too hot.

Better go and write that home brew article - or maybe one about people who live in caves, or one about boys and their toys - so many ideas - so little time!

Kind regards,

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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by audrabianca »

I have no complaints. This month I tripled my profits over any month I've had on CC. My sales were well over 2,000. Keep writing. Twice this month I sold 13 articles in one day. I have so many topics but very little time to write about them lately. Hope February is as great as January was.

Have a good week!
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by HayleyWriter »

Congratulations! I didn't sell that many, but I still hit my highest rate for sales this month too and made over $500. I'm thrilled at the way CC is making a part-time hobby so profitable. I don't write full-time, but I can see how CC would definitely make it worthwhile to write full-time. Meanwhile it's fantastic to have so many sales for the month too. Hopefully, February will be just as rewarding!
Word Gypsy
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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by Word Gypsy »

Congratulations on the sales. I guess we will be seeing you on the top 10 list fairly soon audrabianca! It definitely has been an exceptional January. I agree- let's hope February is just as nice! WG
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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by BarryDavidson »

I was actually surprised at the amount I made in January. I was out of town for a while attending my grandfather's funeral, and just didn't feel much like writing for a couple of weeks after that. (Although I did complete the assignments a customer requested of me.)

I didn't make as much as you all, but I just love getting paid for what I spend hours and hours doing for free. I thank my wife quite often for finding this site for me. Now if they can just make a Constant Content for novels, she'd be set. I've never known anyone else who can pop out a book in a weekend, or a 120k novel in less six weeks while working full time. (Yes, it used to drive me crazy sometimes. I think she's up to 42 completed novels, and a slew of half-written ones.That's not including the little 80k and under books she wrote in a weekend.)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Awesome Audra! Here's to 2009!

I'd love to hear about those cave people. Interesting!
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Re: Anyone up for a Daily Check-In?

Post by JoHunley »

Crikey, Barry. Her hands must give off smoke when she types.

Brava to Audra! Here's to success for us all in February.