Can I Submit This?

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Posts: 118
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:23 am

Can I Submit This?

Post by geniuswaitress »

I have a few quizzes lying around that I wrote for a now-defunct project. They are for fun only, with humorous answers and outcomes, like the type of quiz you take on a MySpace app to see what kind of pie you are.

They have intros and text at the end for "interpreting" the data (I use the word loosely, in case the quotes aren't enough).

Can I submit something in this format, as it's not really an article?


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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Can I Submit This?

Post by Ed »

I can take a look and see if they fit. Do they offer something to the reader? I.e., are they more than filler content? If they are interactive, it seems as though they would be . . . ?
