I'm so excited

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I'm so excited

Post by jak »

Hey folks. I just have to broadcast this. I think I've just bought a house near the sea. So what, you may think. Well, it's been a long time coming. My current house has been on the market since July 2007 while I've been dreaming about going back to my roots at the seaside. And now my dreams are about to come true. Yippeee.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yay! I'd love to live by the sea too but in southern CA, it takes millions upon millions of dollars (even in this economy). Congrats!
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by CRDonovan »

Moving to your house by the sea is a very good thing. Relish every bit.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by jak »

Thanks to both of you for responding. Actually I'll still be 20 minutes walk from the sea, even though the peninsula in Poole harbour that I've chosen is surrounded by it. But 20 minutes walk is a lot closer than an hour's drive. I plan to to get a dog so I'll be doing the walk pretty well every day. Should get some health benefits too.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by dsletten »

Good for you! I miss the ocean and would love to live near it again, so I am always happy to hear when someone gets to be where they want. Yes, get a dog and do lots of walking. I walk the trails here almost everyday with my dog and to the lake and I love it. Enjoy your new home!
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by JD »


I am envious! I've just come back from spending four weeks in the UK, one of which was spent in Shoreham-by-Sea - and I loved it! It's made me want to pack up and move back home but I'm not too sure now is the right time.

Hope everything goes well with the move. Congratulations!

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Re: I'm so excited

Post by jak »

Thanks dsl. I just took a look at your webpages. I'm wondering how you managed to write two novels at the same time. Perhaps my new home will give me an energy lift and some inspiration.

Thanks Jane. Glad you enjoyed your break in the UK. I think Shoreham is quite different from Poole, but I do love the seaside variety we have here. I was brought up in Torquay and love it there, but it's too far from my hubby's work for us just now.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by dsletten »

Hey Jak,

Glad you were able to visit my web page. I have a problem with having too many ideas and not enough time! I had started both books, then finally made myself finish one and then the other like a normal person should. I have three books half done right now and am trying to force myself to stick to one at a time again. Too many ideas, so little time... Enjoy your new home!
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by eek »

Congratulations! Ah, the sea... We used to live 20 minutes walk from the Mediterranean. Now we live in the middle of farmland, Midwest USA. I miss walks on the beach too, and looking for sea glass. My daughter has a jar full of it, but there's nothing like the breeze hitting your face fresh off the open water.

I'm excited, too: we bought our house a year ago and have spent the entire year doing extensive renovations. Last weekend we moved our furniture into the finally-finished living room. What was previously our sitting room is now the office, and I can work with a better view. It's not the ocean, but green fields and the occasional cat-stalking-prey are superior to my previous view of crumbling plaster wall.

All the best with your house-by-the-sea purchase.
Word Gypsy
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by Word Gypsy »

Enjoy your move to the sea! It should be a wonderful spot for writing. WG
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by vjlenin »

Jak, I am happy for you. I would love to own such a house myself. Maybe when I start getting really serious about my earnings.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by BarryDavidson »

Check out the FDIC soon. All banks who accepted bailout money lost what the government deemed as "toxic assets" around April 15th. I imagine they'll be selling those off ASAP.

Congrats on getting the house.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by jak »

Thanks eek, WG, Lenin, Barry (I'm not in the US - don't know what FDIC is.)

Deanna - good luck with the next three books.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by BarryDavidson »

The FDIC is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. They basically insure bank account deposits of up to $250,000. In their new role, after all the bailouts, they will also be holding to "toxic assets" which belonged to banks. How exactly this was determined, I'm not sure.

Properties which had lost over 50% of their value (usually more) in the last year or so, securities which lost billions when their estimated value dropped, and other things were taken over by the FDIC on April 15th. A lot of banks sold properties and securities at 1/2 or less of their appraised value. The person who owned the house we bought took out a 500k home equity line, took the money and disappeared. We got the house for a good price, and the bank accepted our first offer so that they were ensured to get some money back from it.
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Re: I'm so excited

Post by jak »

Thanks for the info. Barry. And congrats on your good deal.