Publishing AC content on CC

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Publishing AC content on CC

Post by lizardwrites »

I'm new to CC, but I've been writing for Associated Content for about 9 months. I was wondering if any of you out there have put articles you used as "display-only" on AC and tried to sell them for "usage" rights on CC. I guess what I'm really wondering about is this: There are lots of blogs and news sites that pick up stories on AC and post a link to them, so am I crazy to think that someone on CC is going to PAY me to use the link for their website?

Thanks to all! :)
Word Gypsy
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by Word Gypsy »

Hi! As long as your ac articles can pass cc standards, you can post them here for "usage" rights. Many authors have already done so and have had success selling them too. Just make sure that you write a note to Ed in the short summary if your author names are different for the two sites. Good luck and happy writing, WG
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Also, customers are not paying for the link - they are paying for the right to post the article on their website or use it in newsletters. When a customer buys a usage article, the article itself is posted, not a link. You won't get page views or anything like that.
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by lizardwrites »

Thanks guys!!! I'm gonna go see if I've got big bucks hiding over there on AC in my display-only pieces!!! :)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by Celeste Stewart »

You can also resell any upfront payment articles that you sold to AC as non-exclusive. That's the key, "non-exclusive," whether AC paid you or not.
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by geniuswaitress »

Hi! I'm newish too, and I've been posting my Helium and AC content. I've sold 4 or 5 of the articles already for use, so people most definitely ARE willing to pay for gently-used content.

Be careful to purge any first person commentary from your articles first. Even after editing, I had a couple of side observations slip through in some of my old articles, resulting in rejections here.

Good luck.
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by BarryDavidson »

I too put up several pieces I'd written and posted on Helium here. A few of them have done quite well with usage only. I do have more I need to put up, but I've been too busy lately to take out the first person POV in many of them.

Sometimes I wish I'd have found CC sooner, but then I think about my first full month here. The public requests which were open when I joined hadn't been open too long. That's what allowed me to make over 580.00 that first month. Had I joined two-plus years ago (when my writing was still too rough, and would have gotten my account suspended more than likely) I wouldn't have appreciated CC as much as I do now. There is a lot to be said for "the right place at the right time" when dealing with writing.
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by Constant »

Hi guys!
I just spoke to the AC general consul on the phone and he assured me that they are doing everything in their power to find and remove the stolen content. Instead of sending emails to AC now, send them to and I will take care of it. One of the problems that AC has is that our site doesn't allow any of the search engines to crawl our site, as that degrades the value of the content you all work so hard on. This means that when they run the stolen content through their plagiarism checkers it doesn't show up. We are working on a technological solution to this problem. For now though rest assured that our concerns are being taken very seriously by AC and that they are responding quickly and decisively to help us. Please let us know if you find any of your content has been posted without permission.

David Kool
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by nickpaddy »

I too also started writing on Helium.
While I was happy with what I wrote, I look back now and see my perfectly good articles buried under piles of opinion loaded, fact lacking, poorly written garbage by 'mass' writers. Contaminated by association. Does nothing for your reputation, I'm sure.

Wish I'd found CC straight away, would have been a lot better off. Only wish I could go delete those articles from Helium now ...
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by jak »

I do it the other way around. Once my CC articles have sold for usage rights, I am free to post them elsewhere so they can still earn a little more while being showcased here. I believe other CC authors do the same.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yeah, it works better to sell them here for the big bucks first :) Then, if they sell for usage, I post them elsewhere for pennies and page views. I've tried the other way around and it's not nearly as profitable.
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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by JD »


If I may be so bold as to ask... where do you post your CC articles to bring in a few extra pennies?

I have made some money posting a few of the better (or so I like to think) articles I wrote for Helium here, but I've never considered doing it the other way round.


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Re: Publishing AC content on CC

Post by jak »

I post mine on Helium. I can earn more there as I'm not a US resident. And I need to sort out some more articles for them as I don't have a lot there and recently lost my writing star and upfront payments. Rats. The peer ratings don't always work in my favour even though they are accepted here by a professional. And sometimes I have to top and tail them differently to make them fit their titles.