Citing Scientific Studies

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Citing Scientific Studies

Post by SophieStillwell »

I'm a bit of a science junkie, and also a person who likes to find proof for things that are sometimes passed off as common knowledge. For other sites, I've cited study sources as "According to a study in the May 2009 edition of Journal of Scientific Studies, blahblahblah..." and also just referred to them in text as "scientific studies have shown" and then at the end of the article:
Source: May 2009 JAMA,"This is the name of the study", K.Doctor, M.Medical, C.Researcher

Is there a preferred method for citing this kind of source for CC?
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Citing Scientific Studies

Post by Ed »

Nope. This sounds great.

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Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:10 am

Re: Citing Scientific Studies

Post by BarryDavidson »

The only problem you might run into with citing sources is if you try to put the little numbers in the text. I'm not sure if the formatting policy supports adding those in, so you may have to put numbers in parentheses (1). Unless you just put the sources in order at the bottom of the page without numbering them. I have a few political rants with the little numbers. Of course they're not up to CC standards either, so I won't be submitting them any time soon. (They're about five years old from when I first started writing again.)