Looking for recommendation

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Looking for recommendation

Post by econtentwriter »


I'm just starting out in freelance writing. I have a solid understanding of the english grammar and writing structure. I have writing experience through school and my full-time job.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend good resources or ideas for learning to write good articles?

Posts: 5
Joined: Fri May 29, 2009 7:03 am

Re: Looking for recommendation

Post by econtentwriter »

Please disregard my question. Please accept my apologies. I found the answer to my question. The answer has been right under my nose all along. I just signed up with CC yesterday. I just realized that there is so much information in here already for new authors.

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Re: Looking for recommendation

Post by Ed »

Super. Please ask if you have a question about something.

The Other Ed
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Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:10 am

Re: Looking for recommendation

Post by BarryDavidson »

Well... I'll fore-go writing "Ed" at the beginning of the post because everyone including, "The Other Ed," will think I'm talking to him.

At any rate, my first bit of advice is to write what you know. Get a few articles submitted and accepted just to get a feel for everything. Don't worry if you get a few rejections up front. My first three articles were rejected, and were accepted after some rewriting. During my first month I must have uploaded over forty articles.

Don't take it personally if you do have several rejections. It'll tick you off to be sure, but learning to spot your own mistakes is a must for all writers (even though we don't always do that well). As for writing better articles, if you keep an open mind you'll certainly get better with each article you write.

Just remember to read and then reread the submission guidelines. I didn't and submitted several articles written in first person my first week here. My wife tells me I should real all of the directions first, and this is a case where I should have listened.

Good Luck,