Question about private request

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Question about private request

Post by MeggieHardy »


I recently sold an article and the client contacted me with a request to revise it. She wants it shorter and another section added. My question is, when submitting my revision it looks like it's going into the general population of articles. I did select "private," but it calls for summary, brief description, etc. What happens to the article if she rejects the revision. Since it is essentially the same article, which one will be the one that goes into general population? I want the original one to be the one that stays on the site.

I'm offering usage license only.
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Re: Question about private request

Post by audrabianca »

You cannot offer an article on the site that contains the same text or substantially the same text as what you already sold in a unique or full rights article for private request. I have thought of handling this in the past by posting as a private request and charging a very small sum for the new version. It is a problem if another buyer buys this article (under any license type) if you sold unique or full rights. If your original transaction sold only for usage, then you are okay as long as the current buyer or a future buyer only buys usage.

Support does have a way to refund buyers, and then you could sell it again with the revisions. Of course, you would want to get a response before payment processes because tomorrow is the first of the month.
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Re: Question about private request

Post by MeggieHardy »


I'm still a bit cofused. The client bought usage rights. She wants revisions -- the article made shorter, and wants me to add some keywords and another paragraph. She will still have only Usage rights. Since this is the same article, only with revisions, is this allowed?
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Ed »

This situation causes a lot of "if-thens."

If both articles are purchased for usage rights only, and one is designated as Private (therefore, not available for general purchase) then there shouldn't be a problem. This only works if the customer purchases both articles and they both show a usage purchase, which indicates to other customers that the content has been published elsewhere and eliminates full and exclusive rights options for your article.

If the customer returns the original article and it becomes available for exclusive or full rights license, then there is a problem, because an article containing the same wording and information has already been sold to someone else. The original article will have to be deleted from the site to avoid potential conflict.

The best course of action is to contact Support with an explanation of what you would like to do and what the customer needs. Support might have a sensible solution to prevent any violations of the licensing structure. You can also direct them to this thread to help clarify your problem - it's a tricky one. I hope this hasn't created more confusion.

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Re: Question about private request

Post by MeggieHardy »

I'm still a bit confused, but I gather that since the buyer only wanted a revision and this is being offered as Usage on both counts, it's okay.

Now, however, I don't know how to submit this. I went to the submit articles page, clicked on "private request" but it won't let me submit without selecting a "sub-category." I don't know what to choose there as I don't recognize any of the selections. I assume those are the names of clients who requested 'private' content, but the name of the buyer who has asked for my article is not listed. All communication with her has come through CC so I'm confused about what to do. She is getting a bit antsy for her article, and considering that she's said she will be needing more, I don't want to lose a potential client.

I did write to Help yesterday, but haven't heard back from them. Any suggestions?
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Ed »

Sounds like your customer won't want to wait to put in a Private Request and have it approved. Do you have the article ready? Just let me know what your intended title is, include "for a private request" in the short summary, and make your submisson. I'll keep an eye out for it and approve it as soon as I see it. I can change the status to Private then.

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Re: Question about private request

Post by MeggieHardy »

Thanks for being "Johnny-on-the-spot" with answers.

It won't let me submit without choosing a sub-category. I get the message "Uh-Oh. This submission is not complete."

These are the steps I've taken;

Submit > Private request > upload article > Article title> summary > (as you requested) > detail >price >keywords > submit

The sub-category is keeping it from going through.

This customer has told me she is new and has never bought from CC before; she wasn't sure of the procedures.

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Re: Question about private request

Post by Ed »

You will have to submit as normal. I will change the article to a Private Request from this end.
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Re: Question about private request

Post by MeggieHardy »


I guess I'm not making my problem clear; it won't let me submit without choosing a sub category. Even though I select "Private Request" it then asks for a "sub category" - a list of names from which I must choose. The name of the customer is not there. When I try to submit without choosing one of them, it comes back and says "UH-OH, this submission is not complete and the submission doesnt' go through.
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Ed »

Don't choose Private Request. Just submit the article like you would an article for general purchase, by choosing a normal category - "general," for example. I will change it to a Private Request on my end.

Please let me know what the article's title is and when you have it uploaded so I can keep an eye out for it.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Meggy, if you do NOT put a checkmark in the "Is this for a public/private request" field, you can then choose the Private Request category with no problem. It's that checkmark that's prompting you to choose the actual request that the article is linked to. Just remove the checkmark and choose Private Request for the category.
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Ed »

Celeste descends from the skies, cape aflutter, to save the day. Once again, she is my hero.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I'm a superhero! Now I need to go out and buy a celestial cape. . .
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Re: Question about private request

Post by MeggieHardy »

Okay, whew! Finally got it through. Thanks to both of you for your help.

Ed, I just put it through with "For Private Request" in the summary as you suggested.
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Re: Question about private request

Post by Ed »

That will work!