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Post by Everhelpville »

Supposedly, there's no such thing as a stupid question, so I'm a little excited thinking I might be making history here by asking the first one.

Here's my stupid question: Why are so many articles requested on the same topic within the same request?

I'm not complaining, of course, I'm just curious. My new hasn't worn off yet, and my ignorance feels like pebbles in my shoes. This site is about so much more than writing, I think, and I am utterly out of the loop.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sheesh!

Post by Celeste Stewart »

It's not unusual for a customer to need dozens of articles on a single topic. Some have huge websites; others have multiple sites. Others may use a combination of articles on sites, in press releases, and in newsletters.
Posts: 1529
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Re: Sheesh!

Post by Lysis »

It's for search engine optimization (SEO). Googlebot loves unique, fresh content. Googlebot also loves linkbacks. However, having the same article plastered over hundreds of domains with the same text devalues the linkback. So, users need new writing constantly, which is where we come in yayyyy. Ordering 10 articles for fullrights gives the customer the ability to provide 10, unique content articles on different domains linking back to their site. Googlebot lovvvvvvvves linkbacks, so it's especially useful if your website is new. It's actually the fastest way to get indexed in comparison to submitting your site to Google through their webmaster tools.

Also, they may use it to post on their website. Googlebot gives more value to websites with new, unique content that focuses on the specific niche of the domain. However, link farms, link exchanges, domain farms, and plagiarized material get sites devalued. It's all over Google's webmaster forums. People are on page 1 for the search engine, and drop to page 60 in a day from any of the things I listed.

Lysis <~~~~ avid reader and follower and troll of the Google Webmaster forums.
Posts: 25
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Re: Sheesh!

Post by Everhelpville »

Thank you both. "Googlebot" and "domain farms" are new terms for me. But I suppose in terms of writing content, they are moot terms. It just seems that in maximizing the potential here, I have so much to learn.

Again, your time is very much appreciated!
Posts: 1529
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:08 pm

Re: Sheesh!

Post by Lysis »

No problem. There is a TON of misinformation about SEO out there, and the only real place to get the facts from google employees (Matt Cutts posts there too) is on their webmaster forums. The people who are purchasing articles here are doing it the right way 100%.....that is, at least they are going about content the right way.