My Daily Commute Request

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My Daily Commute Request

Post by JD »


I wrote to this request and Paul, the buyer, bought my article. I emailed him asking him if he would be interested in an article about a cycle commute, which I do during the summer months (he had mentioned only public transport commutes, e.g. train, bus etc). He replied saying that he would be interested. However, I see that he's removed his request, no doubt because he's got the number of articles he wants. Can I still submit my cycle commute and, provided it's accepted, email him letting him know that it's available if he wants it, please? If he doesn't want it, then as it's a first-person account, I'll delete it from the system.


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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: My Daily Commute Request

Post by Ed »

Hi Jane,

There were many responses to this request, and when a customer closes a request due to a large volume of responses, it signifies the customer has enough articles and/or has found what he is looking for. If the customer is still interested in your article, please ask him to submit a private request. When a request that asks for deviation from the guidelines has been closed, we cannot consider articles for that particular request any longer.

Thank you,
Posts: 316
Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 8:46 am
Location: Canada

Re: My Daily Commute Request

Post by JD »

OK, no problem. I'll email him and ask him to do that and see what happens.

Thanks, Ed.
