Article problem can anyone help??

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Article problem can anyone help??

Post by LindaM »

I have a time sensitive article posted and in the middle of the text there is a huge blue and black message that states THIS ARTICLE IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTANT CONTENT WRITER LINDA S MILLS AND IS BEING PRINTED HERE WITHOUT THE WRITER"S PERMISSION. I have written for help, but no one has yet responded. Does anyone know what this means or how I can correct it pronto? I am afraid it might inhibit a sale.

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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by jrichards »

Thanks for the heads up Linda,

I'm looking into it now.
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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by jrichards »

Hi Linda,

Can you post a link to the article and let me know what web browser you are using?

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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by LindaM »

Here is the link. I have noticed that the warning has been removed but there is still some text out of place now. I should probably reload the document, but can you advise that it not go through the review process again? Please let me know. ... Rascal.htm

I use internet explorer
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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by jrichards »

Hi Linda,

I had found the article and I think that I've removed the errant text now. If you'd like to change the long summary you can do that without the article needing to go through the approval process by going to the "My Content" section and then going clicking on the edit link. You can then edit the long summary as needed.

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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by LindaM »

There are 2 spacing problems now as a result of the original error:

*Paragraph 5, first sentence Baron Cohen's Bruno needs a space between the words.
*There is an extra space between paragraphs 5 and 6.

Can you please fix these without me having to go through the whole reload process since these errors are not of my making?

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by Celeste Stewart »

You don't have to go through the whole reload process. Go to My Content and click Edit for the particular article. Then either add or delete spaces. If the spaces don't exist in your text (maybe it's just a flukey display thing?), try deleting the text in the long summary and then copying and pasting from your document.
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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by LindaM »

I have repasted the document and now the original problem has returned with the big bold letters I wrote about earlier. THIS ARTICLE IS THE PROPERTY OF CONSTANT CONTENT WRITER LINDA MILLS AND IS BEING PRINTED HERE WITHOUT HER PERMISSION. Now you will need to go in and start all over again to remove it and the subsequent formatting errors!!

What a mess!!
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Re: Article problem can anyone help??

Post by jrichards »

Ok, I went and had a look at the reposted document and it looks like it is a browser related issue. After removing copyright notice we've the spacing issue wasn't showing up in IE8 but was showing up in IE7 and IE6, I do believe that I've got those issues sorted out now. :)

Let me know if you find any further issues!