Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

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Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Debbi »

I was getting a little discouraged after writing 12 articles with dozens of hits but no sales. This morning I noticed a public request and dashed something off, then went out to the movies, thinking this too would not sell. But when I came back and checked my account, there was my first sale! My 13th article was my lucky charm.

So if there are any of you newbies like me out there without a sale so far, hang in there! If you write it, they will buy..:)

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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Debbi »

Oh, and a special thanks to the reviewers. What a quick job of reviewing it on a Sunday so it could get to the client right away!

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Congrats! May it be the first of many!
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Antonia »

Congrats Debbi! Good for you :)
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by canywriter »

13 is my lucky number too! Congrats Debbie, and more power to your pen!

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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Debbi »

Thanks everyone :) My perseverence is largely due to reading all the forums and seeing other authors' experiences. All the good cheer and cheering on sure helps!

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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by JTILLMAN9693 »

Congratulations Debbi. I'm fairly new to the site also and it is encouraging when you hear that others in the same boat begin to succeed.
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Debbi »

Hooray, I sold another article! But alas for me I made a typo when modifying my rates yesterday. I meant to put $45 in the full rights section but accidentally put $15 :( So the article said $15 for use, $29 for unique, and $15 for full. Rats! Oh, well I'll just have to write more articles to take its place. In any case now I have two sales under my belt and am feeling more confident. It makes me wonder though if I should reduce all my prices? I keep seeing articles selling for $7 and $3, even $1 a few times. Is that what buyers are expecting these days? I hope not and have seen some articles selling for over $100 so I don't want to lower prices if I don't have to, of course!

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Oh, bummer typo!

Don't worry about those cheapo articles. Those are mainly for usage articles, often sold in bulk.
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by JTILLMAN9693 »

Hello. I recently had my first sale yesterday. I tend to do articles on my lunch at work and was happy to see that one my articles had been sold. Like everyone else, here,I'm hoping it will be sign of many ones to come. I'm hoping to also become a better writer with each submission as well...
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hooray! 13 is my lucky number :)

Post by Celeste Stewart »

How cool is that? Making money on your lunch hour :)