Fulltime freelancer who writes what ever comes her way. Published several dozen short stories in the horror/dark fantasy genre. Wrote confessions for years to support myself and the kids. (And am eternally grateful you don't get a byline for those).
Happily married for the last seven years. Along with the marriage came four more kids to add to my three. We live a back to basics lifestyle in the backwoods of the Arkansas Ozark mountains. Our nearest neighbor is over a mile away and the closest town is twenty five (pop. 3000). Half of the distance to town is dirt road.
Currently I'm spending my days writing for WFC, here and just became the Natural Living editor at Garden and Hearth. I also query the bigger print mags hoping for a nibble. I still dabble in fiction from time to time. I've got a novel that is in completed second draft form but still needs editing and rewriting. I've got a screenplay that I've been trying to interest an agent in. I also occasionally write erotica under a pen name (and no, don't ask, cuz I won't tell

Well, reckon that's about it. Anything else you want to know...just ask - I might even answer.
