Help with article rejection please!

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:35 am

Help with article rejection please!

Post by jobina »


I'm wondering if someone can help with an article that's been rejected please!

I wrote an aritcle on matching red wine with Indian food, for usage rights. This was originally part of a story I'd done for a magazine, but agreed only to for printing in the magazine and not for putting on the website. Well, the story has now been posted on the web! The story was purposefully set up as an interview, and to bring profile to the restaurant that the sommelier was linked to. However, as I have a wine background, none of the information was new to me.

I reworked the story for Constant Content and removed the interview details, but was met with this rejection:

"We do not accept content in which the author has taken information gathered from other sources and presents it as his or her own, including information gathered from interviews."

I can understand the reason for the rejection, but is there a way to work a story around this? As I mentioned, I have a wine background and would have provided the same information as the sommelier. I thought also that wine and food matching would be a nice addition to the content on ConstantContent.

Also, I have asked the magazine to remove all my wine stories from the web.

Thank you,
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Help with article rejection please!

Post by Ed »

We accept only completely original content, and we do not accept content in which others' words are used as the author's own. When you interview someone, you cannot eliminate references to them, forego with quotation marks, and take that information verbatim and use is as though it was your own creation, regardless if the information is familiar to you already. I'm not sure what you're asking in regards to a "work around." If the information is familiar to you already, why use someone else's words? Why not create a new article using your own knowledge?

In addition, you may ask "usage rights only" for articles published elsewhere, even if the content was removed post publication.
