Another Plagiarized Article on Associated Content

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Another Plagiarized Article on Associated Content

Post by LindaM »

Just wanted to share that I found another one of my articles plagiarized on Associated Content. I have been a member of CC for only 1 month and 2 of my articles have shown up there. How are these folks getting into CC to steal these?

As with the first one, I reported it to AC's 'designated agent' and to support at CC. This time, I did not alert Google, but I will, if it's not taken off asap.

Amy W
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Re: Another Plagiarized Article on Associated Content

Post by Amy W »

I've had stolen articles posted on AC before, too. From what I understand, the people filtering through the submitted content at AC search for plagarized articles online - but they only use Google for the search. Since CC articles are not indexed by Google, AC never catches on that the articles are stolen. You'd think with so many cases of stolen content, AC would get the hint and find another way of filtering out the thieves.

Here's hoping your article is taken off AC soon!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Another Plagiarized Article on Associated Content

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I thought that AC and CC were working together to find a solution to this? Any news?
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Re: Another Plagiarized Article on Associated Content

Post by jrichards »

We've got a working relationship to take articles down that get posted to AC that are previously posted to CC.

But as for working on something more automated, we need to setup a legal agreement where we allow them to spider all our articles for them to be able to reject articles plagiarized from CC. Working out the details of that legal agreement is/has been a slow process. We're still working on it, but at this point we don't have an ETA.

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Re: Another Plagiarized Article on Associated Content

Post by Antonia »

Thanks for the info--it's good to know an official agreement is in the works. I just wanted to add that I've been impressed and reassured by how quickly Support has responded to my stolen content reports...I think I've had at least 4 or 5 total in the last couple of weeks. One of them wasn't on the AC website, and it took a few more days to come down, but come down it did. It is such a relief knowing that I don't have to deal with this kind of thing on my own. I would feel so sickeningly frustrated and furious looking at someone else's byline on my work if I had no recourse...instead my first thought is always, "You're BUSTED!"