Waiting Status

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Waiting Status

Post by AlexSpears1 »

My second article was accepted on 7/27, but has been in a 'waiting' status since that point. I sent an email via the 'contact us' link on the main website on Monday (8/3) to inquire about my article's status under the 'website problem' topic selection. I am assuming there is glitch since has been in this status for over a week. Is there a different process I should follow to get this situation corrected? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by nichewriter »

Hi, my guess is that a buyer bought your article but the payment has not been cleared, so your article is in the waiting status. I may be wrong, but I've had this experience -- 4 of my accepted articles were on "waiting" status last Friday, and then Monday, I received notification that they sold. I have 7 other articles on "waiting" status right now. Usually, if the buyer is in the US and pays with an eCheck, clearing is in 4-5 business days, and if they are in Canada or Australia or some other country, it can take up to 9 business days for funds to clear. I would wait until Friday or Monday even to contact Support again about this.

UPDATE: 15 minutes after posting this, the "waiting" status on my 7 articles changed to "sold" :o)
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Re: Waiting Status

Post by HayleyWriter »

Congratulations! Seven articles sold in one batch must make you feel terrific. I had a feeling those Home Business Management 101 articles would pay off for you and I'm glad they did.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Waiting Status

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Niche has found a niche :) I've been wondering who was responsible for all of those 101 articles. Good job!

Alex, hang tight, hopefully your "waiting" articles mean that payment is pending. Sometimes the payment doesn't go through, so be prepared for that. I hope it goes through and you get your first (or second?) sale of many.
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Re: Waiting Status

Post by AlexSpears1 »

Thanks everyone. It would be my first sale, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I hope to make this a regular outlet for my writing, so a quick first sale would be really encouraging. Even if the payment doesn't go through, at least someone thought enough of it to want it in the first place. I enjoy reading the success stories on here- the positive vibes can be contagious. :)

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by jrichards »

He Alex,

Just a quick word from the admin side to agree with what many of you have said already.

"Waiting" definitely means that someone has taken your article put it into their cart and gone off to make payment. At this point we have to mark articles as waiting, because we don't want two people purchasing unique or fullrights articles at the same time. Sometimes, people just abandon their purchases when the go to make payment at Paypal, in which case we release the articles back into the wild after giving them about a week to finish making the purchase.

As nichewriter said eChecks can take as much as 3-5 business days to clear. So that is definitely another reason why articles sit in the waiting status.

So, hopefully these sales go through, but if not don't worry the articles will be once again made available for sale.

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by AlexSpears1 »

Thanks for the 'admin' perspective jrichards, I appreciate the information. It is great to get a better perspective on the sales process and to know that Constant-Content staff is so responsive.

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by nichewriter »

Hayley: Yes, it's always great to see articles sell, especially if it's several of them on the same day :D I wasn't expecting my home business articles to be selling so quickly, but it appears we've got a CC buyer who is interested in buying them. So far, the bulk of those articles were bought by one buyer, but I think 3 or 4 of them were snatched up by 3 other different buyers before the first buyer got to them.

Celeste: Indeed I seem to have hit another niche :D A few months ago, I hit a couple of other niches too (insurance and taxes) so for a while the bulk of my submissions were on those niches. I still have a number of insurance and tax related articles in my WIP folder, but right now, I'm enjoying doing the home business management 101 articles. I love brainstorming article ideas for this niche and I can't seem to write them fast enough! :wink:

Alex: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your first sale goes through. And I admire your positive attitude also. That's going to help you become successful here on CC and you should know you've got a bunch of fellow CC writers cheering you on!

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Waiting Status

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Sherry, it's just awesome! How cool is that to write articles and have them snapped up like that? Nice! It's like the best of all possible worlds, at least in our realm, where you pick the topic and a customer is waiting to buy the articles as fast as you can write them. Requests are great but you often have deadlines and other constraints to work around. I wish your articles would hang out long enough on the site so the rest of us could have a little peek :) .
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Re: Waiting Status

Post by nichewriter »

I have several home business management 101 articles in the queue -- got one approved and one rejected just a while ago. (Now I'm reading up on conditional tenses and will revise over the weekend...but reading the rejected article again, I spotted the errors Ed pointed out in the rejection letter.) I rarely write for public requests and I've never gotten a private request. I like picking topics and then doing a series of articles on those. If they don't sell right away, they eventually will...like the insurance articles. I have a few left in my portfolio from several months ago. Four of them sold today :o)
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Re: Waiting Status

Post by AlexSpears1 »

It has been almost a month and my article is still in waiting status. It seems time to raise a help flag to get this article back on track. Should I resend an email through the 'contact us' link, or is there a better method for contacting technical support? Thanks again for everyone's assistance.

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by Ed »

You can use the link and Support should be able to help you.

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by jrichards »

Just checked in on this. I think you should be good to go now.

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Re: Waiting Status

Post by AlexSpears1 »

Thanks Ed for pointing me in the right direction.

Thanks jrichards. My article is now back online and just waiting for the perfect buyer. I appreciate whatever "magic" you did behind the scenes to get my article viewable again.

Best wishes and profitable writing to all.
