Can an article be submitted a third time?

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Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by EricScott »

Good morning everyone,

One of my articles has been rejected twice for spelling/typos. After rereading the article a few times I kicked myself for not seeing the stupid mistake. Am I allowed to resubmit an article a third time or is two submissions for the same article the max allowed? I really like my article and I think it has a good chance of selling, but I don't want to break the rules here since I'm fairly new to CC. Thanks.
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Re: Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by Debbi »

When I submitted my first article, I didnt' even realize there was a limit for submitting articles. The article was rejected once for having a different title in the submission form than what appeared on the .rtf file, and then again for being in the wrong font. I blithely fixed those errors and submitted it again. The third time was a charm and it was accepted. Since then, I have read and re-read the writer's guidelines, FAQs, and tutorials, as well as almost every post in these forums, and have only had one rejection since then for an incomplete sentence that slipped through my proofreading.

So don't take this as a definitive yes, but I did submit my first article three times and it passed review on the third time.

Good luck to you :)

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Re: Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by EricScott »

Thanks for the comments Debbi. I've realized that when proof reading I really need to print out the article. I think I've developed a habit of skimming when reading on my computer, but when I read something on a printed page I find that I read slower and pay more attention to the details.
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Re: Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by cashwriter »

I read my article out loud (usually to my husband) and not only do I find errors, but sometimes when I read it, I can tell that a sentence could be worded better. You might try that too, and save on paper and ink!
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Re: Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by Lysis »

I feel your pain. I can completely miss an error after proofing an article 2-3 times. I'm attacking CC articles in a different way now. I'd like to do 1 article a day for CC, but I realize that I make too many mistakes to submit the same day. I'm writing the article and allowing it to sit for 5 days. I'll proof it after 5 days and then submit. I did this with a recent article that I pulled from the queue. When I read it originally, I saw no errors. Now that it's sat on my computer for weeks, I went back to it and found several awkward sentences. It's soooo much easier to find mistakes when the article isn't in your head.
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Re: Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by Ed »

I think this is an excellent strategy that I would like to see more authors employ. I really think you'll see a greater rate of acceptance. The review process for your articles will become more efficient all around.
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Re: Can an article be submitted a third time?

Post by Nessiee »

That's close to what I do when I'm editing my work. Once I've finished editing an article, I set it aside until the next day. If it still seems to be perfect when I re-read it the following day, then I go to submit it.

If I find mistakes or sentences could use some work, I continue to edit until it seems perfect again. Then I'll put it aside until the next day to give it another once over to be sure everything is in order.

Because this method tends to delay an article's release by several days, I tend to work on a few articles at a time. This way I can complete more articles :)