Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Area for content rejection questions.

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Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Post by kianakelly »


I'm still plugging away trying to get this article out of the "rejection" pile...I think I am almost there : )

I just got an odd rejection, though: I can only ask usage rights for articles published elsewhere...

This article is not published anywhere else...

What could have happened to have gotten this rejection? I am tempted to just resubmit, but would really appreciate feedback.


I *love* this forum, by the way. I find myself lurking and learning a lot here : )

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Re: Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Post by Ed »

As was indicated in a previous rejection notice, we do not accept content with the same wording - either from articles that were previously published elsewhere, or from other articles for sale on CC. This article contained wording that was taken from a document published elsewhere. You may ask "usage rights only" if you are going to use wording from articles published elsewhere or rework articles already published.

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Re: Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Post by kianakelly »

Ah! I found the article in question. I *am* sorry. I has been under the impression that this article "Detoxing With Sulfur" had not been published (For some reason I had filed it so on my computer.)

I cannot believe how I seem to be destined for "rejection" here.

I am going to try again. I will resubmit with "usage only" because I really, really, really want to get started here.

This is getting weird for me, and I apologize for wasting your valuable time.

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Re: Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Post by Zabrina »

Wendy, I've had similar experiences with not having filed away articles after publishing them elsewhere, though I managed to catch myself before submitting. But you're not alone! :) I started keeping a spreadsheet to list my articles, which has helped to keep me straightened out since then. I'm sure if you keep trying, you'll get your first acceptance (and hopefully many more!). :D
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Re: Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Post by Ed »

You've already submitted this particular article, but you might try a fresh start with a new article on a completely different topic. Some authors feel that releasing themselves from articles that persistently give them trouble creates more opportunities for succes.

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Re: Rejection: "You may ask "usage rights only" for articles pub

Post by kianakelly »


Before I thought about it further, I resubmitted. However, I completely agree with you. I am going to submit something entirely different. I think that "sulfur" article is jinxed.

I seem to be in love with the phrase: "Sulfur is the third most common mineral in the body."

Thank you for your patience.
