New article, but content similar

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New article, but content similar

Post by canywriter »

Ok, I've been struggling with this. What are CC's views on rewriting an article that has been published elsewhere - the article is written from ground up, but content is similar since the topic is similar? Would it be considered unique, and available for full rights? It wouldn't be the same article, so it's not a clear cut "usage only" case. I'm confused. Somebody able to throw light on this?
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Re: New article, but content similar

Post by Ed »

If the article makes a different point, includes different information, and doesn't contain any of the same wording, you can ask unique or full rights for it. However, if it's a rewrite of the exact same content, you'll only be able to ask usage rights for it.

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Re: New article, but content similar

Post by canywriter »

Thanks for the prompt response, Ed! You've put it very clearly - and touched upon the exact point that was muddling around in my head.
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Re: New article, but content similar

Post by Phil »

Thanks for asking the question. This actually opens up an avenue of approach on those days when I am brain locked for a topic. Cool Points to the both of ya... :mrgreen:
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Re: New article, but content similar

Post by nichewriter »

Hi, Ed.

I'm waiting for a response from support regarding a travel article that was removed Friday because of a complaint that it was too similar to another travel article I recently sold. (Support didn't mention who made the complaint but I'm assuming it's the customer who bought the other travel article.) The thing is, the removed article wasn't at all a rewrite of the article that sold, and they each contained different tips/points. The only thing I can see is that I used New York and Florida as examples (in the tip suggesting to travel during the off-peak season), and even then, the wording was different. Support didn't mention if they looked over the two articles and compared them side by side before removing the article, so I'm a little bummed. I was hoping someone here could take a quick look at the two articles to see if they are indeed different (I've read and reread it so many times...)

Ed wrote:If the article makes a different point, includes different information, and doesn't contain any of the same wording, you can ask unique or full rights for it. However, if it's a rewrite of the exact same content, you'll only be able to ask usage rights for it.

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Re: New article, but content similar

Post by canywriter »

Send it across, Sherry, and I'll take a look. Hope I'll be able to help, though.:-)

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Re: New article, but content similar

Post by nichewriter »

Thank you in advance, CW -- I sent the 2 articles. I just need another pair of fresh eyes to look at the two articles. Again, thanks. And if you do see similarities with the 2 articles, please let me know too -- I'm too close to the articles that perhaps I'm not seeing those similarities anymore :(