Stolen article

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Re: Stolen article

Post by cashwriter »

I have made the difficult decision to pull my content from CC. After having two complete articles stolen (not just the part displayed, but the whole thing), I just don't trust that my content is safe here. I'm really disappointed because I was so excited about working with CC to build my career as a freelancer. The problem is, if my content is being stolen and used for the profit of others, what am I working my butt off for? Perhaps at a later date, I will consider returning, but for now, I'm pulling all but a few of my articles and will seek other venues for publication.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Keep in mind that this problem affects every single site on the Internet, not just CC - and CC is extremely aggressive about pursuing these guys. If you check the forums over at AC, you'll see that article theft there is rampant as well.
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Lysis »

Honestly, cashwriter, you won't find any safe harbor from this anywhere. It happens all over. I get my stuff stolen off of Suite101 all the time, and they too help writers. CC is much more helpful than Suite in that you contact them and they help. Suite101 only helps you write a cease and desist letter unless the website steals a lot of articles from many authors.

I get really ticked off, because I'm tired of spending time sending DMCA's and cease and desist letters. But, there is no place online where your stuff is safe. All you can do is keep fighting it. I posted the DMCA link, because many times writers feel hopeless in fighting back.
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Zabrina »

cashwriter, I hope you don't leave us for good.

Like the others have said, theft happens everywhere. This is actually a relatively safe zone compared to other sites I've written for, and the higher earning potential makes it worth it. No matter where you write, your content will get stolen. I choose to write for CC because it's high-paying, there's a supportive community, and support's response to plagiarism is quick and easy.

Being plagiarized doesn't make your articles unsellable, either; quite the opposite, it's a kind of backwards compliment that means you're writing well! Yesterday, I sold two of the four articles I've had plagiarized (out of 70+ total written)!
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Re: Stolen article

Post by cashwriter »

I've only had 14 articles approved on this site, and I've had three thefts. I understand that this will happen anywhere I go. BUT. If I publish an article myself, at least there is a timestamp showing that I published it first. With CC, the article isn't previously published, so if someone steals it, it's harder to show it's mine! I just hate putting all of that effort in and then getting my stuff yanked out from under me for someone else' profit. I'm really not trying to say CC is a bad site or that others shouldn't use it. I'm just saying that for now, I'm going to try some other avenues and see how that goes. I'm sure I'll be back, and I still have a few articles left on here, so I'll be on and off periodically. Thanks guys!
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Zabrina »

Then that just means you're a good writer. :) Yes, there has been a rash of thefts lately, but there seems to be a spurt every few months before it settles down again. There are timestamps in your account -- check out the My Content page and it shows you exactly when it was submitted. :) Good luck with your writing efforts, though, and see you around. :)
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Debbi »


Heh :) About the backward compliment reference: I went to check that weight loss site and scanned through the titles, only to find myself saying," hey, wasn't my weight loss article good enough to steal?" Of course I'm glad it wasn't stolen.....yet... I have 39 articles on the site now and at least 2 of mine were stolen (that I know of). Luckily they were yanked immediately after CC notified AC.

Cashwriter, I understand your apprehension about article thieves. I always post my entire article so it's not surprising when one of mine gets stolen, but it is puzzling that partially-posted articles are being copied in their entirety. How do they get them? I don't remember if Support addressed this question in past forum posts or not. However, I do know that no web site is ever COMPLETLY secure; hackers can do almost anything.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Celeste Stewart »

RE:If I publish an article myself, at least there is a timestamp showing that I published it first. With CC, the article isn't previously published, so if someone steals it, it's harder to show it's mine!

Actually, you have proof - and a timestamp - right within the CC site. You can prove that you uploaded the article to CC on such and such a date via the My Content page. You also receive a dated email confirming acceptance of the article, complete with a link to it. Plus, CC helps you out and contacts the offending sites directly so you don't even need to do the proving on your own. Simply contact Support and they take care of it.
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Constant »

Hi Guys-
I know that there is a lot of apprehension due to the recent rash of stolen articles. I just want to let you know that we are in the process of a lengthy review of the site's firewalls and other security features on both the server side of the site as well as the code. We are planning a refit and a potential move to a new server company to insure that if there have been any breaches in the site's integrity that we can see them more clearly. This is a internet wide problem, but we don't want to just follow the trend in content security we would like to set the standard. We perfectly understand the frustration and do not begrudge anyone taking the business elsewhere, as this business is difficult enough without having your hard work reward by thieves, but I do hope that you all are assured by the fact that we are doing everything in our power to create a safe a profitable environment for you and our clients to buy and sell content.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.

Amy W
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Amy W »

Thanks for the update, David. We all appreciate everything Support does for us writers, including chasing down content thieves. Is it just me, or has the Internet become the lawless wild west?

And too funny, Debbi! I actually found myself saying the same thing - what, my diet article wasn't good enough to steal? :mrgreen:

And cashwriter, I know you're upset, but content thieves are everywhere on the Internet, as everyone else has said. And in traditional print, you run the risk of never getting your pay check. Many writers sign contracts with magazines, only to never get paid for their articles. There is no ideal place for writers out there - we get screwed over everywhere we go!
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Re: Stolen article

Post by audrabianca »

I sent about ten emails to Support a couple weeks back regarding stolen articles and improper use of usage articles (such as the site owner posting his or her name as the author), and I only heard back on one email.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Stolen article

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Love this quote from Mr. Kool: "We don't want to just follow the trend in content security we would like to set the standard."

Audra, I've always thought a Webinar/chat would be fun amongst CC writers and staff.