Trying to Delete an Article

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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by cashwriter »

Okay, I had never heard of an Alphasmart Dana before - I just looked it up, and it's REALLY clever. I too am a procrastination by surfing person, so that might be something to look into. Mostly, I want a laptop because I want to write a LOT, and I just can't sit in the computer room all day and ignore my kids. Well, I could, but that's asking for a disaster area once I emerge. So, I figured if I could sit and type in any room in the house, I could be sure and be working while still interacting with and supervising my kids. I could also take it outside while they're playing in the backyard. (No good at the park since I'm constantly having to spot my 2-year-old on the playground equipment - that kid gives me a heart attack sometimes!) So it's not that I travel a lot or that I'm using it for a job (other than freelancing) or that I'm really on the go - I just want to be able to use it around the house. I think I'll have to go into Best Buy or something and try out some of the different styles. I am afraid a Netbook keyboard is going to be too small. I'm a really proficient typist, and I am having a hard time imagining typing on a smaller keyboard. I guess I'd have the same problem with a laptop (I'd miss my 10-key for sure!) but less so than with a Netbook. I'll have to do some legwork before making a decision, I guess!
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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by nichewriter »

Yup, choosing a laptop or netbook or desktop is something that needs to be carefully researched on and you definitely have to consider your needs. The Alphasmart Dana has a full size keyboard and a screen that's 3.5" tall and fits up to 8 lines of text (65 characters). Next to my netbook, I love the Dana. The company that sells it I think got bought by another company, but I got my Dana from eBay two years ago for $50 shipped (it was used but in perfect condition and came with all the accessories). I think it sells for about $250 new. It functions as my keyboard for the netbook when I'm on the big monitor. It is actually a PDA that uses the Palm OS and I had to rig it a little so I can't install and play games on it or anything except write :D Anyway, goodluck on your search for a new computer!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Definitely, how you use your computer is far more important than MB of RAM, OS, etc - though these considerations are interconnected of course. It's funny, when I was talking about getting one of those cool Sony netbooks - though way overpriced compared to other options - my husband asked what was so cool about it. "I can slip it in my purse," I replied. Then thinking about it, I started to giggle. So what? Was I going to pull it out at the grocery store and start researching price discounts on toiletries?

My portability needs are not necessarily outside the bounds of my home network so it just doesn't make sense to have a purse-sized product that I can whip out on whim. Sure, I'll take the laptop to Kung Fu practice here and there and on vacation but slipping it into my purse, as cool as that would be, doesn't make sense for my computer lifestyle. If I was a student or had to go back and forth between offices, then yeah. But for writing from my home office and occasionally moving into the family room to keep a little guy happy, I'm good with a big ol' clunker (but not too big).

I do recommend spending some typing time on the keyboard. If you can borrow a similarly sized laptop/netbook from a friend for a few days, that would really help. I seriously can't stand typing on my husband's laptop! I could get used to it (maybe) but. . .

I'll check into Boost Internet access. I don't use my cell much but would probably do much more with Internet access! Thanks!
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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by kianakelly »

You know, don't forget that you can *really* easily just plug in an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse (no one has mentioned the irritating track ball on the EEE PC). It's an option...

Plus, you do get used to differences. Researching is super important so you know what the obstacles are. It took me a good week to adjust to this tiny monitor, irritating track ball and not-too-bad but a-little-small-and-funky keyboard. Now it's fine...I hardly notice. When I use my desktop I feel like I'm at the movie theater : ) (the screen is so big).

Anyway, just more thoughts.

Does anyone use voice recognition software...what is it "write"? I've often thought about it, but never tried it...
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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by Phil »

I'm in the market for a new magic box. My kids are warning me to not get a netbook as I tend to be doing a gazillion things at once. My current computer is a seven-ten year old Dell. I think I have finally maxed it out and even full optimization isn't helping much. So, thanks for all the discussion. To answer the voice recognition question; I have it and I love it. Full details can be found at my blog. This is a first impression review that I was knocking out when I took a breather to come check out the forums. Talk about serendipity. Y'all have an awesome day -Phil :mrgreen:
kianakelly wrote:You know, don't forget that you can *really* easily just plug in an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse (no one has mentioned the irritating track ball on the EEE PC). It's an option...

Plus, you do get used to differences. Researching is super important so you know what the obstacles are. It took me a good week to adjust to this tiny monitor, irritating track ball and not-too-bad but a-little-small-and-funky keyboard. Now it's fine...I hardly notice. When I use my desktop I feel like I'm at the movie theater : ) (the screen is so big).

Anyway, just more thoughts.

Does anyone use voice recognition software...what is it "write"? I've often thought about it, but never tried it...
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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by Debbi »

Voice recognition software wouldn't work for me because words flow out of my fingers much more articulately than they do out of my mouth. My brain and my mouth have some kind of disconnect; I am always saying dumb things! Ok, dumber fingers aren't always right on track either, but at least I can hit the backspace key with them. Can't do that with my spoken words (I wish I could, god knows).

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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by Phil »

I hear you. For me, I can use the VRSoftware to get the ideas swirling down on paper. Then the rational mind (which my wife denies exists)takes over and begins the editing. For me it serves as a really great data dump. Viva La Differ-ance :roll:
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Re: Trying to Delete an Article

Post by kianakelly »

Phil and Debbi:

There is this great essay by Anne Tyler where she describes juggling parenting with one point she tries using a tape recorder, but says it doesn't work for her because she found herself calling out things like "Get John out of that bar! He's not a drinker!!" while vacuuming...

I think that would be my issue. Although now-a-days, with everyone using their blackberries all over the place, it may be seen as completely normal : )

I also agree that I am more articulate when writing...

But to think that I could just get stuff down on paper...maybe not stuff for here or other sites, but perhaps for fiction...perhaps...

Thanks, guys! Great discussion. I have learned so much. Now I have to submit a #%$@$ article so I can be a "real" part of this gang...
