Problem with Private Request

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:18 am

Problem with Private Request

Post by MeggieHardy »

I've been writing for a particular customer; several articles. I've just completed another for her, but the submission "drop-down" shows the last (already purchased and published) article with a status of "open" and the new one (which I'm trying to submit) as "closed." Please advise.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Problem with Private Request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Submit the article the old-fashioned way. When asked if it's for a request, say no, but then choose "private request" from the list. Once approved, you'll need to manually let the customer know the article is available by using one of your current correspondences in the CC inbox and then "linking" the article. This happens from time to time. Customers sometimes get confused and remove the wrong request and often forget to set the expiration date to a reasonable time period. (The expiration thing is driving me nuts with one of my clients. . . - I wish there was a "confirm expiration" type of action required for private requests or a grace period or something. In my case, many requests are ongoing, so when they expire, the assignments are still needed but I have to bug the customer to extend the request.)
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Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:18 am

Re: Problem with Private Request

Post by MeggieHardy »

Will this put it in the que for regular article approval? That could take a long time. I've been waiting for an article approval (not for request) for over a week now.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Problem with Private Request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Ed usually gets to those marked "private request" just as quickly as those automatically flagged.
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:18 am

Re: Problem with Private Request

Post by MeggieHardy »

Thanks Celeste,
I'll try it.
Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
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Location: California

Re: Problem with Private Request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

You're welcome. I know Ed priortizes his workload to ensure that customers waiting for requested content are served promptly. A good number of mine are placed on the site in this manner and the ones marked for private request all receive prompt attention while my non-requested ones wait patiently in the Q.