Problem submitting reqested article

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Problem submitting reqested article

Post by 4rumid »


Last night I submitted my first article for a public request. The customer requested a specific title, but since someone had obviously already submitted an article for the same request, the title was already registered.

Rather than changing the title from what the customer wanted, I inserted "[For Request]" at the end, and sent a note to support explaining what I had done. I haven't heard from suppport, but my article was rejected this morning because of the extraneous information in the title.

So, I changed a word in the title and resubmitted the article. In the short summary, I put a note indicating to the customer that the title could be changed as desired once the article is purchased. Is there going to be a problem with that? I want this article accepted while the customer is still looking, but I'm stabbing in the dark looking for a way to accommodate both the customer's request and CC rules.

Ed, if you're reading this, may I ask that you not reject the article if that note in the summary isn't appropriate? Rather, would you just let me know if there's a problem, and I'll change or delete the note as needed? I'd hate to miss the chance for my article to be considered by the customer because I don't yet know how to handle this situation.

Instructions from anyone would be appreciated. Thank you!
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Re: Problem submitting reqested article

Post by Ed »

The title of the request is not the requested title of the article. The title of the article can be anything appropriate unless, of course, the customer asks for a specific title. This would pose a problem at any rate because our system doesn't accept duplicate titles.

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Re: Problem submitting reqested article

Post by 4rumid »

Thanks, Ed. I obviously didn't realize that the customer hadn't requested a specific title. And I was wondering how CC would handle multiple articles with the same title.

Would it still be okay to keep the note saying that the customer can change the title if desired?
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Re: Problem submitting reqested article

Post by Ed »

This information isn't necessary because our licensing structure dictates how the customer can use the content and when they can change any aspect of the article.

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Re: Problem submitting reqested article

Post by 4rumid »

Thanks for removing the note from the summary, Ed.

About your last response: Let's say I've posted an article and, as in this case, I don't mind if the buyer changes the title (or makes some other change) even if they just buy usage rights. Can I indicate that in the summary? I'm guessing not, because you want to sell full rights licenses. But let's say someone wants the article, doesn't care if it's unique, and just wants to do something like alter the title -- and the author doesn't mind. Is it all right to offer some flexibility on that kind of thing?

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Re: Problem submitting reqested article

Post by Ed »

Our licensing structure determines how buyers can use the articles, not the authors. So no, authors can't modify the terms of the licenses.

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Re: Problem submitting reqested article

Post by 4rumid »

Okay, thanks.