Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by Sahara »

I am new on CC and acceptance of my 1st submission prompted me to do a quick second :D
But now its been rejected twice with ' Article has not been adequately revised as per previous rejection notification' and I am stuck because I cant make out whats wrong ...
Can anybody take a look and give me some direction?
Title: Sport A Unique Look With Tunics

Thanks in advance, looking forward to working with 'the expert' :|
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Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by Jmercer »

I can't view your article, but both "A" and "With" from your title should start with lower case letters.

Hope this helps, I'm still trying to get my first article accepted, so take my advice with a grain of salt ;).

-Jenn M
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Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by Debbi »

What was the editorial comment on the first rejection notices?

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Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by HayleyWriter »

There is little point in resubmitting an article so quickly. It is unlikely you will pick up all the errors. Ed hates seeing an article in the review list that he just rejected, so the likelihood of a second rejection if you resubmit too quickly is high. I suggest you let any rejected article "sit" for a couple of days and then review it.

I have three folders now for submitting work to CC - Draft 1, Draft 2, and Draft 3. I write the article and give it a reasonable proofread and save it into Draft 1. One or two days later, I pick up the article, give it a thorough edit and proofread and save it into Draft 2. One day later, I pick up the article, give it a thorough edit and put into Draft 3. The next day I'll pick it up, re-read and do a final check and then submit it (saved into submitted). Once it is reviewed, I save it into an Accepted folder, and when it is sold, I save it into my SOLD folder. I love seeing that one grow!

Ok, I'm talking about at least a 4 day process here and some may not like to leave it that long, but I'm sure you get what I am saying. A first draft is never perfect, and many people try to submit a first draft. I've cut my rejections right down by this practice. It takes a few days to get an article reviewed anyway, so I just keep pegging away at each article until it is really "finished". I find that I do keep thinking about the article subconsciously in the days in between, and will often restructure or rewrite whole sections for clarity in the draft 2 and even draft 3 stages. Even for public requests, which I do submit sooner than 4 days, I move the article through the same process, and try to give myself at least a couple of hours between editing drafts. Once I'm in the groove, I submit a few articles a day! (The flood is coming Ed, I have several articles in Drafts 2 and 3 right now!)

Meanwhile, if you would like someone to have a look at your article, send it to me via the email system on CC. To do this, simply click on my profile on the site (through the authors' page), and then click on the contact this author button. An email will appear. You can copy your article from word into the email. Never cut and paste your article into a forum, as these are viewed by search engines.
Hope this helps,

Penname: HayleyWriter
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:14 pm

Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by Sahara »

Hi all and thank you for all your responses.

Thanks also for the insight on editor ED! I am all eagerness to just be accepted!! I haven't got to the sold euphoria yet!

Jenn, about the A and with, I read somewhere both ways and am not sure which way to go ... will need more light on that one!

Hayley, thanks for the offer to look at my article you can expect it in your inbox soon.

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Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by AnneM »

Congrats on getting your first article accepted :D. You'll love it here as everyone is extremely helpful. But there is a warning attached: you end up kind of glued to the forum :D, see yours truly lol.

Regarding the capitalization of a and with, they should not be capitalized in a title except if they come first so it should be Sport a New Look with Tunics. Had it been A New Look: Tunics, thhat is the only case a preposition is capitalized in a title. Hope that helps.

This is a great grammar and style resource: .
I always check it out, especially for commas. I believe I have a disease known as comma-itis, which is the excessive use of the comma. I am actively searching for a cure :D.
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Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by Sahara »

Thanx anne,

I have been 'enlightened' on the capitalizations in title issue thanxs to the kind Jenn and Hayley.
And you are right about being glued! This is the third time I signed in today!

As for comma-itis I am comma phobic after a 3-year proofreading stint :) You should try that too!
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Re: Rejected twice in 12 hours ...

Post by HayleyWriter »

I'm sure that's why the site is called CONSTANT Content - we authors constantly check in! :D

Anne - the only cure for comma-itis is to practice, practice, practice, and do lots of proofreading! I found it useful to print out my article and highlight EVERY comma. Then I re-read the rules from the purdue site you mentioned and if I couldn't find a reason for the comma, out it came. I think I've finally got a handle on the rules, but I do re-read them every now and then to be sure.

Sahara, congratulations on your first acceptance. It's a feeling that is almost as good as your first sale.

Kind regards,
