CC Etiquette

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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CC Etiquette

Post by mjsellars »


I've sold two articles over the last couple of days, my first sales. These were both 'usage rights' sales. I was wondering whether it was necessary to thank the purchasers or whether that would be inappropriate.

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Re: CC Etiquette

Post by Antonia »

Congrats on your first sales! No need to thank the buyers...I think that would be a little odd, personally. Besides, soon you may be selling multiple pieces a day and you won't have time to write thank-you notes for each one. :)
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Re: CC Etiquette

Post by mjsellars »

Thanks. I just wasn't sure. I'm English: excessive and occasionally inappropriate politeness is in the genes.
J. A. Young
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Re: CC Etiquette

Post by J. A. Young »

When I submit an article for public requests and write to call their attention to my work, I always thank them for considering. It's a good question though. Perhaps CC sends or might send a thank you on behalf of the writer. It might be a nice way to follow-up with a customer. For instance, "Thank you for your recent purchase...btw, did you know we have similar content such as..." Something like that...I could write it better, but not this early in the morning!

By and large, the English are very nice though :)

Celeste Stewart
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Re: CC Etiquette

Post by Celeste Stewart »

If the request is still open and it looks like there's the potential to write more, I occasionally write a brief thank you along the lines of, "Thank you for choosing my article on ____. I enjoyed writing it and plan on writing about ____ next." As long as it's genuine, a brief thank you note can be the start of a future writing relationship. I seriously doubt anyone would be annoyed by being thanked. That said, you have to do it via CC. You can't google your article and then send an email to the site's webmaster as that would be inappropriate and against CC's terms.
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Re: CC Etiquette

Post by Debbi »

I wonder how often a customer makes a public request and then never buys any of the articles submitted? This appears to hve happened at least three times in the last month to me. The article I submit gets approved right away and then never gets a hit until it goes into the general pool after 3 or 4 days. I watch the Recently Sold and the Requested Content and notice that an aritcle on that topic never appears and the customer's purchase rating never goes up.