Different Number Downloads

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Different Number Downloads

Post by MeggieHardy »

I just noticed that on my profile page where all my articles are listed, one article shows (3) downloads, however, on my "my sales" page, it shows that particular article has only been downloaded twice. What may be the reason for this -- and if it hasn't been sold three times, can I get that reduced on the profile page? I would think the greater number of downloads that show for useage may discourage a potential buyer.

Just wondering.

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Re: Different Number Downloads

Post by eek »

Hi Meggie. A few of us were talking about this last week. http://www.constant-content.com/forum/v ... ads#p42201

Summary of the thread: it's a glitch, and we hope Support will work on it soon.
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Re: Different Number Downloads

Post by jrichards »

Hi Meggie and Emma,

Thanks for bringing this up again. I've had a look and believe that we've got the problem sorted out. Please check it out and see if things look like they are fixed for your articles.

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Re: Different Number Downloads

Post by Nessiee »

After a quick look around, it seems that the number of downloads are displaying correctly now :) Thanks!