initial article rejection

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initial article rejection

Post by webbylisa »

I'm a newbie and I stupidly submitted my first article with a link in it :? . Of course, until this article is accepted I cannot write for CC. So now my question becomes, if I remove the link from my original article, may I resubmit it? I had another article rejected also, which I wrote while awaiting the first article to be accepted, and the reason for it's rejection was also that it had a link. But it didn't! So what am I supposed to do about that? Any help is welcome!
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Re: initial article rejection

Post by Lysis »

There is a thread (probably still on the first page) in the Author Exchange section of this forum that has a trick to get rid of links. It was posted by Celeste in a thread not too long ago, and now I can't find it! It's something like ctrl+a and ctrl+e to get rid of all links on a doc. If she doesn't see this thread, try browsing that forum and you'll find it. Someone else was having the same problem as you.
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Re: initial article rejection

Post by webbylisa »

Thanks for the input. I have one more newbie question, and believe me I've searched long and hard for the answer on CC before deciding to I said, my initial article was rejected. I can't for the life of me find out how to submit another article :oops: --you know, the first one that is reviewed by CC before any others are accepted. Where the heck do I submit that first article? I can't do it through the "submit article" tab. So how do I go about it????? I'm losing my mind.
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Re: initial article rejection

Post by Debbi »

What happens when you try to submit the article using the "Submit Article" tab?
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Re: initial article rejection

Post by webbylisa »

Debbi, if I use the "submit article" tab I enter into the process of categorizing and pricing my article. I don't recall doing all that on my initial submission . However, you know what? Maybe that's still the route to go. Because CC editors will get the article either way, right? Okay, I think I just answered my own question. Thanks!
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Re: initial article rejection

Post by Debbi »

The article submission form has changed a little bit over the last week, but it always asked for category,format, file to upload, short sumary, word count, etc.
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Re: initial article rejection

Post by canywriter »

You have to fill in the category, or the article will be rejected. This happened to me once in my early days, so watch out for that. The system does not accept articles which do not have category selected.

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