Time out for accepted offers?

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Time out for accepted offers?

Post by Peejay »

Is there any way we can consider a time out on accepted offers? I have accepted a couple of offers which the buyers appear not to have acted upon.
I presume these offers do not stop others from offering or buying, but where do we stand if we've accepted an offer and the buyer comes back weeks or months later expecting to get an article which may then have sold?

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Re: Time out for accepted offers?

Post by Debbi »

Seems like you can go into your Received Offers page and mark it as "rejected" if you don't want to sell it for the offered price even after you've accepted it. Once it's sold for Unique or Full Rights of course it's no longer available to the person who offered but I'm not sure how the system handles it, whether it takes it out of the buyer's Offers page or what.

Did I understand your question right?
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Re: Time out for accepted offers?

Post by Peejay »

Thanks Debbi, you understood my question fine. I think you're right although I feel a little mean refusing offers I was happy to accept before. I suppose it's just a case of deals not lasting forever and if the buyer doesn't want to proceed, the easiest thing to do is to just clear it from the list.
Thanks again!