Hi, I'm a new writer with a couple questions

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Hi, I'm a new writer with a couple questions

Post by DavidLeavitt »


My name is David Leavitt. I graduated from college a couple of years ago, however I have always wanted to be a writer. This past August I started writing on Examiner.com almost every other day, and just this October I started writing AssociatedContent.com every other day as well.

I'm very happy to have been accepted to ConstantContent.com - and I want to make sure I have all my facts straight before making any submissions.

1)Is it true that I can take an article that I've written and published on one of the other websites and submit it here? Obviously if the article was run through copyscape it would come up under my name wherever it was published first. If this is the case, would it be only for Usage purchase, or can it qualify for Unique purchase too?

2)If I have an article that was published on another site in the first person, and I edit it to make it third person and add new content, would it be considered for Full Rights purchase? Or just Usage and Unique?

3)I just tried to submit an image for Usage only, however the Full Rights field is starred. Should I just put ten thousand dollars there if I don't want someone to buy the full rights? (unless they are willing to pay!)

4)How long have you been writing for ConstantContent.com, and what is the greatest tip you could share to a new writer like me?

Thank you very much in advance for the answers and for your time!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Hi, I'm a new writer with a couple questions

Post by Celeste Stewart »

1. Yes. Usage rights only.
2. If edited from 1st to 3rd person but the rest of the article is the same, usage rights only.
3. I'm not familiar with the photo submissions. Someone else will have to chip in there.
4. Since January 2006. Best tip? You're doing it - ask questions here in the forum! Other tips: Should you ever receive a rejection notice, listen to Ed. If he says there's a grammar error or whatever, then you can bet there is. You might not spot it right away but keep looking because Ed doesn't arbitrarily reject articles. Also, be prepared for a few rejections as you get used to the CC system and its guidelines. We'll help you muddle through the finer points of the system. In fact, the forum has a ton of good advice that can prevent rejection notices, so spend some time here learning from those who have been through it before.

Good luck! Hope you enjoy it here.
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Re: Hi, I'm a new writer with a couple questions

Post by hairyoctopus »

Hi David

Welcome to CC. I'm also very new here and have spent a lot of time in the forums - which has been well worth while, for picking up tips on many aspects of writing as well as the nuts and bolts of CC. Your question about photo prices was raised on another thread.

http://www.constant-content.com/forum/v ... hts#p43212

Hope that helps

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Re: Hi, I'm a new writer with a couple questions

Post by Antonia »

Welcome, David!

My answer to your number 4 is:
I've been here since May 2009. My tip is: spend the first month or so focusing on output. Build up your portfolio. Write for public requests, write whatever comes into your mind, write short articles and long articles. Occasionally newbies post things in the forum along the lines of," This isn't working for me, obviously it can't work, it's impossible that anyone can make money at CC" and are never heard from again. I always find that sad since many of us ARE making excellent money here--it's like someone coming along and saying, "I couldn't do this skateboard trick the first time I tried, so it's obviously impossible and not worth trying again." So if you get frustrated for any reason, just browse the forums for your question and if you don't find it then ask!

Hmmmm....that was more of a ramble than a tip...anyway, welcome!