Quiz written for specific request rejected

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by vknauf »

I just submitted an assignment titled, "Quiz: What type of dog is your mother-in-law?" This was for a specific request, but the assignment was rejected with the explanation, "This is not the type of content we are looking for." Well, Constant Content may not be looking for it, but the person who requested it from me certainly is. So how can I get this assignment posted? Thanks.
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Ed »

I'm sorry, but one requirement for article acceptance is that articles must be in good taste. This article did not meet this requirement.

Thank you,
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by vknauf »

Ha! Can't wait to tell my client that her taste is too poor for Constant Content.
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by DennisMartz »

Hi Ed,

In a situation like this is the "rejection" against the requester or the author? (does it count towards three strikes?)

Also, could the article have been written in a way that it might not have been rejected? (anotherwards, are there some "questionable" requests that could be filled by submitting an article that is in good taste - or should we just stay away from them altogether?)


Celeste Stewart
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Celeste Stewart »

First, the quiz request is a public request for personality quizzes. It went out to ALL CC writers. The client is Constant-Content's client, NOT vknauf's personal client. Constant-Content has a duty to ensure that anything submitted to CC's client is appropriate, well written, and in good taste.

This particular requester has purchased dozens of quizzes which I'm sure passed all appropriate editorial requirements. Asking for personality quizzes isn't in poor taste and I know that it's possible to write a "What kind of dog are you?" quiz without being offensive. Likewise, I know it's possible to write about mothers-in-law without being offensive, but it would be tricky to pull off.

This request really isn't overly questionable. It's a request for personality/pyschological quizzes. The "How gay are you?" title suggestion may be a little iffy but with the right approach it could be pulled off. You'd have to be careful not to be derogatory but it's doable.

CC does screen requests before allowing them to be posted. If a request is for content that CC feels is inappropriate, CC won't post the request. For example, what if a requester wanted a series of hardcore porno articles? Or articles detailing how to become a domestic terrorist? Or articles that spew hate messages against a particular group. Those requests won't see the light of day on CC.
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by DennisMartz »

Thanx for clearing that up Celeste.

I thought that might have been the case, but wasn't really sure what was going on.

On another matter, I've been waiting a few days to get my first article reviewed and from what I'm seeing it can be upwards of a week or two if the article isn't a request, whereas I've seen submitting a requested article can get through in as little as a day. I'm thinking about submitting something that's been requested, but I'm concerned about the possibility of getting two rejections.

I've already pulled my "first" article (which I know would have been a mistake id I'd left it in review) and that set me back 3-4 days. The one I've got in review now has been there for 3 days, so I don't really want to go and pull that one, but having two articles that could both be rejected scares the heck outta me... (I saw where one writer submitted 2 requests and a non-request and they were all rejected the same day and he's been banned) I guess I should write up a request, proof it for a day or so and hopefully the one I've got in review will be finished before I submit the new one.

Wow, you answered my question for me!
(gee you're good!)


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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Debbi »

The quiz in question was a private request (I received a similar one) from a European buyer who specifically indicated to me that bawdiness or otherwise "inappropriate" content by U.S. standards would be welcome. If you've ever seen commericals from Europe you know they go a lot farther than any U.S. censors would allow.

So what do we do if the customer wants something like this written but it doesn't conform with CC policy?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Celeste Stewart »

When a private request is outside the normal guidelines, put a little note in the short summary to Ed explaining that this is for a private request and that the requester specifically requested "bawdiness," links, specific language, first person voice, fiction, and so on. Otherwise, Ed won't necessarily know. Once clued in, he can make a better judgment as to whether or not the article fulfills that customer's request.

Here's what I do:

**********NOTE TO ED: blah blah blah ***************************
For [customer name] only.
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Ed »

This article was submitted to the general request for quizzes and was not submitted to a private request. Unless a private request has been made I have no way of knowing if there are circumstances which have to be taken into consideration.

A lot of inappropriate content gets submitted daily. I have to make a judgement given the information that I have. Support does its part, too, to try to make sure that requests are appropriate, tasteful,and professional. At the end of the day you have to consider: "What will publishing this content say about me? How will this reflect upon Constant Content?" It also helps to think how the article will look on the front page if the article isn't purchased immediately. We don't really want questionable content being showcased as an example of what's available for sale.

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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Debbi »

Ah, I received a private request so thought VK had too since I knew the topic was one my buyer was interested in. Sorry if I confused the issue but thanks to Celeste for reminding me about the note to Ed :)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Celeste Stewart »

It looks as though the orignial poster is not necessarily familiar with the way CC works. That's understandable of a new writer to the site but newbie or not, all writers need to be familiar with the guidelines of any writing site or publication that they are hoping to work with. This includes formal writing guidelines as well as protocol. In CC's case, the writer-client relationship is a delicate dance requiring a complete understanding of the terms of service, circumstances and means of direct communication, and conformity to the site's editorial guidelines. To add to the complexity is the private request system where some guidelines may be waived on a case-by-case basis (such as if the requester wants links, fiction, odd language, and so on), but only under certain conditions and with full disclosure.

Any time that a new writer to the CC site presumes that a public requester is "my client," my spider sense tingles. Yes, it's irritating! These clients aren't ours, but CC's. All we did was fill out a writer's registration form and receive an email notifying us of a new public request! CC veterans understand that Constant-Content is the real customer, not individual requesters (not even private requesters for that matter).

I can't speak for everyone but CC pays me lots of money each month - dramatically more than any of my non-CC customers. On top of the financial rewards, CC provides free marketing, invoicing, and access to a huge client base. I wish all writers could grasp the CC concept but I realize many won't. It's too bad really.
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Nessiee »

I can easily see how confusion might happen for new writers receiving public request mails. Without knowledge of how the request system works, the emails seem to be written just for you. Just now, I received an email that read:

From: Customer Name
To: Author Nessiee

Sure, it does say "public request", but seeing only one name in the "To" field and having that name be your pen name, might lead new authors to mistakenly believe that the request is directed specifically at them. Perhaps if this was reworded to reflect the fact that the request is open for all authors, there would be less confusion. Something like this perhaps?

From: Customer Name
To: All Authors

Then again, maybe it's not the wording. I've been here too long to look at the situation from a new author's point of view. Perhaps we get can some newer author's to step in here?
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by karrie1908 »

Hey wait where is the setting that allows us to receive these emails? I'm a newbie I must confess and still learning :)
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by karrie1908 »

Whoops, nevermind I found it! Thanks for the tip. I amslowly combing my way through the forums!
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Re: Quiz written for specific request rejected

Post by Lysis »

> CC provides free marketing, invoicing, and access to a huge client base

Not to mention they weed out a lot of the poor buyers. Anyone who has been a part of Elance can tell you that site is filled with thieves and farmers. CC allows you to write to any request instead of bidding. Coming from a former Elance provider, CC is a breath of fresh air. I also don't compete with people who use article creators or who have poor grammar. The customer is guaranteed a well written piece and I have free marketing and access to potential clients.

Ok, getting rid of my pom-poms now (I'm known as CC's cheerleader on other forums. LOL)