Hello. Yesterday my article "How to Safely Shop for Groceries During the Coronavirus Pandemic" was deleted by the reviewing editor. The justification given in the notification message was:
==== Editorial Information for Your Article: ====
Hello. Thank you for submitting your article to Constant Content. We cannot consider articles that discuss recent news/headlines. The content must be evergreen. Please try to write articles in a general point of view but avoid generalizations. Have a nice day.
So, if that's the case, why am I seeing Coronavirus-related content among the recent sales? Here are some recently-sold articles dealing with Coronavirus:
Three Facts You Need to Know About Coronavirus fullrights $100.00 > Health & Lifestyles > Medical 03/22/2020
What Are the Differences Between the Coronavirus, Flu, and Common Cold? fullrights $60.00 > Health & Lifestyles 03/20/2020
Coronavirus: Should You Be Wearing a Face Mask? fullrights $30.00 > Health & Lifestyles > Medical 03/20/2020
5 Best Tips to Help Stay Productive Working from Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic fullrights $60.00 > Business > Business Dev. 03/20/2020
What is Social Distancing? How to Protect Yourself and the People You Love fullrights $100.00 > Health & Lifestyles 03/20/2020
Please clarify because I want to write articles on this subject. Thanks.
Is Coronavirus content allowed or not?
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1330
- Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:20 am
Re: Is Coronavirus content allowed or not?
Hello, @PeterContent! We're accepting general articles that can withstand a somewhat extended shelf-life, but as per our guidelines, we can't consider newsy or dated articles, so anything with dated information (for example, number of cases), we can't consider. I've also had to delete some articles that speak so generally about the coronavirus that they aren't useful. We have had some articles that speak generally about pandemics, about staying safe from coronavirus, etc. that are okay. Phrases like 'now that COVID19 is spreading rapidly' or similar that place it in time - whereas simply trying to protect yourself from COVID isn't a time-limited thing.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:10 am
Re: Is Coronavirus content allowed or not?
So, how do you explain the email CC sent to writers requesting articles on precisely this topic. Some of the suggested titles include:
“X best medical practices to stop spreading COVID-19”
“X common hoaxes about COVID-19 to avoid”
“X medical facts that we know about COVID-19 that you should know”
“Is it the flu, the common cold, or COVID-19?”
“X best medical practices to stop spreading COVID-19”
“X common hoaxes about COVID-19 to avoid”
“X medical facts that we know about COVID-19 that you should know”
“Is it the flu, the common cold, or COVID-19?”
- Posts: 63
- Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:48 pm
Re: Is Coronavirus content allowed or not?
We need a 'thumbs up' emoji for your response - and their lack thereof 

- Posts: 123
- Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 9:13 pm
Re: Is Coronavirus content allowed or not?
One editor asked me to put Covid-19 in the title and body. Another editor told me to change my article to make it evergreen and take pandemic out of it. It will require an entire rewrite. Perhaps an email to writers about this rule would have been helpful.
Also am being told to limit short summaries to one paragraph. In the past, I was told to make them longer. This new rule needs also to be communicated before we waste our time.
Also am being told to limit short summaries to one paragraph. In the past, I was told to make them longer. This new rule needs also to be communicated before we waste our time.