My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by karrie1908 »

I suppose one out of two ain't bad, my article titled, 'Essay Writing Help: Three Essay Writing
Tips' was rejected. I suppose it could have been worse.

It could have been rejected for spelling or grammar but it was rejected saying it needed some revision before it could be accepted because of redundant information and looking at it now the two sentences Ed listed really were redundant. It was written with keywords in mind and I guess I missed the redundancy! (Silly me!)

Is it better to recieve a rejected because it needs revision than an outright rejection? (Still learning, sorry) Should I fix the redundancy and resubmit? Help, any advice would be great. I would hate to waste Ed's time.
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Re: My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by DennisMartz »

Hi Kerrie,

I'd definitely re-submit your article (after making the corrections) My first article was also returned today (with errors I made) and with Ed's review I hope to turn it from a "good" article into a "professional quality" article and resubmit it.

Maybe the title of this post should really be "My First Rejection! Thank you Ed!"

The main thing we need to do now is try to make sure our next article(s) are "professional quality" before they go to Ed. I'm far from being a qualified "proofreader", but if you (and a few others) would like to "team up" maybe we could help proof each others work? We would need to work out exactly how to go about doing this (and stay within CC's rules) but maybe there is some way we could create a "pool" of 3, 4 or 5 writers sending articles to each other to proof?

Ed, Celeste or Constant - any input you might have on whether this idea might (or might not) work would be appreciated. I know that "pairing off" is allowed, but is a proofing "pool" something we can try? If this is a viable idea, I'm not sure how we would actually send articles to each other - I've seen something about using CC's e-mail system, but until we have an accepted article - we don't actually show up in the "author" section of CC's site - so how would we send an e-mail to another (new) author? - Thank you for any input you might have on this.

Good writing!

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Re: My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by Ed »

Hi Karrie and Dennis,

Please proofread your articles thoroughly and make any corrections necessary beyond what was indicated in the rejection notification. Karrie, the redundant wording really jumped out at me, so if you feel you need to make other corrections upon revision, please do so.

Dennis, I'm glad that the rejection didn't scare you off. The article itself was fine, but yes, there were a few technical/consistency issues that needed attention.

As for having a type of critique pool. We've bandied the idea about, but we're concerned about potential abuse. A public forum wouldn't be safe, and established authors already have unsavory messages coming into their inboxes. The bottom line is that writers need to be able to write error-free quality content when they come here. The only way to establish that they can is through the review process.

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Re: My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by karrie1908 »

Woohoo, resubmitted the article and it was just approved today! I am starting to get more comfortable with the style here at CC. Thanks ED for taking the time to post advice I appreciate it! Hopefully my next article goes through without a hitch or a glitch...

Have a great DAY!
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Re: My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by HayleyWriter »

Congratulations Karrie on your acceptance. Now, you just have to make your first sale too! :D

WIshing you luck,

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Re: My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by karrie1908 »

Oh I sold the first article I posted for a public request. Then I got a rejection and kinda wondered about the whole thing...

But now I feel better..
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Re: My First Rejection! Hmmm sorry Ed!

Post by HayleyWriter »

EVERYONE here gets rejections at some point. As long as you keep improving and show that you are a professional writer who will take the rejection advice on board and learn from it, you won't have problems writing for this CC! You've done that, so I would think you are going to be ok!
