By the way, how many attempts are allowed by CC to send articles before the approval. I mean, how many life lines do I have? My two articles have been rejected. Does that mean that I only have one chance to be approved? One more article rejection and I'm gone? Apply for a new account?
If Ed doesn't see any improvement in a CC writer's submissions, or if he/she keeps repeating the same mistakes, his/her account will be suspended. Since you've already had 2 article rejections, my advice is that you go over your next article with a fine-tooth comb before submitting it. Refer to your previous 2 rejections. Were your articles rejected for grammar errors? clarity issues? If so, be more mindful of these in your next article. I can't speak for Ed, but a third rejection, especially for new CC writers, can get an account suspended. Authors whose accounts have been suspended are not allowed to create new accounts. (This is in the TOS.)
Do you rely 100% on the word of the site owners for finding out how many downloads/views you have had or is there some other
mechanism ? Not suggesting any impropriety as authors wouldn't hang around if there was any short changing , just curious as to how it works
The downloads indicates just how many people have licenses here on Constant-Content. It really only comes into play if an article is sold for usage rights and then is in a position to be purchased multiple times. This one is for the customer to be able to have a clear understanding of what they are purchasing.
The views are based on how many people visit the article details page here on constant-content. It's designed to give you an idea if your article is attracting a lot of attention. If it is but it still isn't selling then there may be something about the pricing or the summary or listed details that is turning people off. This is for the author to see if there are some articles which might sell if the price was adjusted (note: I don't just mean adjusted lower! Sometimes, a price too low make people nervous about the quality/innovativeness of the content)
Got a bit confused about what downloads/views mean in this context.
What my question was really about was finding out how you know how many sales you have made. Are you relying 100% on
the word of constant-content and how are you informed of each sale?
Obviously whatever system is in place has earned the trust of the community but I would like to know what it is
Any help appreciated
You get an email when an article sells and it is also listed under "My Sales" in your account area. Having sold tons of articles here, there's no reason to distrust the site's integrity. It's an awesome place with a dedicated team of pros behind the scenes.
You will receive notifications by email when your article sells (if you have this option checked in the "Edit My Account" section when you are logged in) and you will get the same notification in your CC inbox. Both notices include the title of the article that got sold, the rights sold, and how much is put in your account after CC's cut.
Also, in "My Sales", you will see a list of the articles you have sold, when they sold, what price they sold, the rights sold, and who the buyer is. Your sales numbers are also reflected in your Author Profile -- it displays how many articles you've sold for usage, unique, and fullrights. It's a pretty straightforward system, and it's automated. I keep a spreadsheet, and I also keep a SOLD folder and move articles in my FOR SALE to that folder when they sell.
I've been with CC since 2006, and many others have been here much longer than I have. I've never had a problem accounting for my sales, and CC is absolutely, wonderfully prompt in paying every month!
I'm not sure how else you would rely on sales. I doubt I'm alone when I say that I keep track of all of my babies on the site. If one is missing, I'd know it. I need to start keeping a spreadsheet like some of the others do, but since this is my income, I have all the figures running through my head. You start to know exactly how much you'll earn off the top of your head even with the 35% cut .
The only time I've lost a sale is when the user had a stolen paypal account, so the transaction was reversed. My article went back into the queue. It sold later, though.
I am very new to your site and have so far only written one article. I had a week ago written an article called Solid-Investment-Gold is the future and offered it to Articledashboard. They still had not read it and done anything about it. I got fed up waiting and uploaded it to Constant-Content. I have now been accused of plagiarism by Constant-Content. Since this morning Tues am Article Dashboard have published the article. So I am very happy to revise the article and resubmit it in another way. I thought that AD had rejected the article and that's how the misunderstanding arose. I would like to resolve this and get back to writing original content - is there any way you could unblock my account. It was a genuine mistake. I love writing and would never copy any-one's work. Once again I am sorry about all the trouble. I won't write and submit anything until we are clear on this.
Taneem Sarwar
I'm also new to this website, though I've been writing online content as my major source of income for many years. I have attempted to click on the author's FAQ's area through the link in this thread as well as the one in my welcome email. I am not taken to the author's FAQ section, but rather the buyer's FAQ section. Help! I don't feel comfortable beginning until I can read more about what is expected here and what to expect.
Would also love to see an example article for structure, byline usage, etc. Where can I find that?
Also, if you click on the Help tab when signed in, you'll see links to several different writer's tutorials as well as a video showing how to submit an article (scroll to the bottom of the page as the first one is geared for customers).
As far as looking at how articles are formatted, you can browse through the articles available for purchase to get an idea. In general, put the title on top, followed by your byline, then type the text using single spaced paragraphs with doublespacing in between each paragraph. Use a 12-pt Times New Roman font as well.