question about being too abstract

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Posts: 44
Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:17 pm

question about being too abstract

Post by zwag »

I read somewhere on this site that articles don't need to be too abstract. Does that mean don't write very many articles back to back about religion whether Christianity or another religion? Is it ok if a wrinter on Constant Content makes most of his or her writing about Christianity if he/she so desires?
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Re: question about being too abstract

Post by Ed »

When writing is too abstract, it may be too conceptual or theoretical. Abstract writing can be unclear for readers. Concrete examples need to be used to give the reader a firm understanding of what you are trying to say. In addition, articles must always offer useful information for the reader, whether that article is about religion or something else.

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Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:17 pm

Re: question about being too abstract

Post by zwag »
