Question: reversed sales

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Question: reversed sales

Post by beconrad »

I noticed that three recently sold articles seem to have been removed from my total, and the money for the sales was removed from my account.

I checked my account last night and it showed 250 sales; this morning it showed 247, and my acocunt had been reduced by approx. $26.

At first I thought that I had some unpaid articles in my sales total, but when I looked at my licenses last night I didn't see any.

This isn't a huge deal; I just wanted to see what happened.

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Post by constant-content »

Those articles were put into a shopping cart under a use purchase... then someone else came and bought them for unique (remove from the site). But since they were in the shopping cart still from the other customer the customer was able to purchase them. This was a bug and shouldn't be allowed to happened. We refunded then money and subtracted the order.
Posts: 45
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:37 pm

Question: reversed sales

Post by beconrad »

Thanks for the quick reply. That makes sense.

Site Admin
Posts: 1330
Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:20 am

Post by constant-content »

Most be nice to have customers fighting over your articles ;)