For me:
I have a brand new baby girl, she's 6 months old and a handful ( She loves to push buttons on Mommy's laptop. Our family is doing really well, in that you're a little afraid to say everything is going well because then it might change kind of way. My husband and I are preparing to separate from the Navy in 18 months. We're really excited about where opportunity will take us after that. My stepson will be living with us next school year, and my baby sister just got married to a man she has been dating two years, and met because he worked for my husband on the submarine.
Well, it was tough to do my year end financials and see I made half what I made last year. But, then I realized I also took a good 3-4 months off completely, and even now with Catelynn at the "play with me Mommy" stage I happily sacrifice grammar for more giggles. I have kept one long time client who I mainly provide editing services for, all my other writing is strictly freelance. However, I did recently find out my very first article I ever wrote, and it's over on AC, is featured in a listing of the Top 100 resources for military wives (I'm #17). I was wondering why all of a sudden that article was getting 200-400 hits a day sometimes. That makes me feel better than any of the money I've made over the last 2 years writing, because I primarily write to help people. I am also fiddling with a piece of fiction. I have a great storyline fleshed out, and some decent characters, it's just finding the time and energy to put pen to paper. Err, fingers to keyboard. It's a very tough personal challenge because with my crippling perfectionism, I have a hard time with long projects. Hopefully, it will see the light of day

So that was 2009 for me. 2010 I forsee a lot of "Catelynn, No." "Catelynn, that's not yours." etc. and a good deal of 5th grade homework. I hope to write more, but just find it so tough to really dedicate time to improving my skills, so I'm just maintaining. And you never know, with some of the really crappy fiction I've read lately (The Marked Series comes to mind), I may just have a shot at getting my chick lit from the guy's point of view published.