Missing Email Notifications

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Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:57 pm

Missing Email Notifications

Post by GyZ »

Hello, thank you for reading this. Earlier I always got an email notification if my submissions were accepted or rejected, but I came to notice that it is not so anymore. I found my latest notification in my CC inbox and not in my personal mail. I also notice that the text for rejections have been changed - that might give every reader an idea of what I got recently - none of the earlier, good old fashioned beatdown of "Your article have been rejected", instead, "Your article have been reviewed and needs to be revised."

I have the impression that the "rejected" variant caused self-esteem issues in some people, but boy, I loved it! My first question is related to this experience, meaning not receiving CC responses to the personal mail. Is this a new procedure as result of site renovations and/or something the authors have control over? If I can still request email notifications to be forwarded to a personal email address, please tell me where can I find the options for that?

Sorry but I have one more issue. (And this is not counting the ones I am not aware of! :))

CC so far always gave a clue of what are the critical issues with a text, pointing out if it contained grammar errors or punctuation flaws. There was an occasion I rearranged punctuation, resent the text and CC accepted the second variant with the altered punctuation and all that happened in no more than 3 minutes. I seemed to understand what CC wanted and the editor looked appreciative of the effort, which though only could be exhibited by her/his directives. I would never have guessed it on my own. My point being: giving these minor-, but essential hints at the mistakes is the only thing the writer can cling unto, I am relatively desperate to see that my latest rejection contained no information on why it got rejected. (Of course it contained the links to the submission guidelines, but not personal feedback.) Will it be like this from now on or can authors expect to get hints of the mistakes they have made in a text? Thank for your time.
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Re: Missing Email Notifications

Post by jadedragon »

I don't speak for the site - just another author - but I am getting the same notifications as before. Check your onsite email (I think on profile page). Maybe the message went to your spam folder or maybe it got lost in cyberspace.
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:57 pm

Re: Missing Email Notifications

Post by GyZ »

It's nice to hear others are getting the notifications, thank you for sharing this info. Then the bad indeed must have been on my side.
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Re: Missing Email Notifications

Post by Ed »

Hi GyZ,

It's really important that authors be able to find their errors on their own. It is impossible for me to identify all errors in every submission - especially when the submitting writer has been writing for CC for awhile and should be able to begin to notice what types of errors they tend to make. I try to set authors off on the right foot with a clear message about our expectations. However, after a certain period of time, authors need to be able to depend less on me and more on what they have learned through rejections and self-education.
