
Area for content rejection questions.

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Post by zwag »

When this article was rejected it was suggested that I resubmit it with revisions. I understnad according to the terms of use that offensive material is not allowed and rightfully so. There's a right and wrong way to do everything. Mr. Ed, do you think there is a better way to write the article, or do you think I should not right it again and try something else?
Here's the part of the article that hsa been critiqued.

Are you hung up or hung over?

“Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:18-19)

The New Year has arrived and many brought it in with a party.
Most likely they drank wine and other alcoholic beverages until they couldn't stand up. The only problem is, the next morning they were throwing up. Yuck! The Bible says not only that the pleasures of sin last only for a season, but also that at God's right hand there are pleasures forevermore. (see Hebrews 11:25 and Psalms 16:11)zwag

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Re: offensive?

Post by Ed »

I do not know what article you are refererring to, what your author name is, or what the rejection message said, so there is very little information I can give you. Regardless, I can't tell you how to revise an article or whether you should try again with the same one or another one. That's the author's decision to make.

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Re: offensive?

Post by zwag »

I'm sorry I didn't have my handle in the post. I didn't think it was necessary because I thought it was shown right over it. My latest post is the one that starts with, "Are you hung up or hung over?" Because you said what you did though, it doesn't matter and I think you're probably right about it not being your place to tell me how to rewrite the article or whether to give up on it. Thanks though.
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Re: offensive?

Post by Debbi »


I looked up "zwang" in the Author's section and didn't find anyone by that name.

I'm wondering if a registered author doesn't have any submissions or approved articles if their Profule shows up?
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Re: offensive?

Post by Ed »

There are no authors named "zwag" registered for the main site.
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Re: offensive?

Post by zwag »

I'm sorry to whoever said they looked up zwang. I typed too fast. It's zwag
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Re: offensive?

Post by jadedragon »

zwang - I'm not sure where you are from exactly (though I'd guess China from your handle and writing style). I can tell you that your posts on the forum are hard to read. You make a lot of grammer, spelling and transposition errors. You post thing without context sometimes.

I don't mean to be hard on you and I've got nothing against people from any background. Understand some of my best friends are Chinese and I employ a small workforce of freelancers from various countries for my business. I'm just wondering if you are trying to bite off too much. For example, I could try to be a doctor but my current training is limited to industrial first aid. I can help you if you stop breathing, but I'm not a medical professional, and unless I gain a bunch more knowledge it is a bad idea to try to be a doctor. Same with writing. You have ideas, but in this forum you don't come across as a professional writer.

Is there a first language you might be better writing in? Can you upgrade your writing skills? I think I read you took one writing course years ago (maybe someone else said that). Good professional writers generally have completed many writing courses. Personally I've got a 4 year degree in business, but it included a lot of writing and communication classes. Not just English classes, but cross cultural communication, speech and others. Most of my classes required papers. You can't pull an A on a poorly written Business Law paper, so I was forced to continually improve my writing to get good grades. Without that training I would not be able to write very well today (and I still need to improve my writing).

Good luck zwag in finding your niche - it is out there.