Same question as Barry, and I have an additional idea that I know you'll never let me do: Ban obviously fake users before they even post. Most of these fake posters wait about 2 weeks between signing up for the forum and spamming, then they're gone like raccoons in the night. The newly-signed-up-members-list contains a bunch of weird forum IDs that are similar to the ones we've been banning and battling.
Wouldn't it be great if we could ban them immediately? I know it shouldn't happen because legit users might get banned by an overzealous moderator (pointing at myself). I looked over the members list sorted by latest visit and learned there are 42 pages of forum members who have never visited again after signing up... a portion of them signed up and put pornographic or pill-pushing website names on their profiles and never came back. Grrrr.
Along those lines, can we delete member profiles, or does banning delete their profiles? The search engines probably index profile pages too, which means those websites in the profiles are backlinks, for whatever that's worth. Spam bots are all big twisted game but the search engines are NOT smarter than they are, despite complex algorithms.
My borderline OCD needs to create order out of chaos... I'll go back to mumbling quietly now.