Greetings! and a noob question

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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:06 am

Greetings! and a noob question

Post by Parth »

Hello there,
I just joined CC and I must say I had a rather too good to be true moment almost instantly! 150 dollars for a single article??? :shock: you must be kidding me! A few forum pages later my dreams of owning my life kinda came crashing down as I learn that the requester can conveniently deny your article... anyways a bit of a background info....I have been into affiliate marketing for over an year now and am making some residual income of it, nothing spectacular but I hope to build it up to that, I only use article marketing as I like to write, problem with that is it is very slow and takes a helluva lot of time and energy.

My question is that I am a bit used to writing in bulk, which sometimes means trading quality over quantity although all my best efforts are targeted at achieving a balance between both, my first impressions here is that such an approach may not work at all, so quantitatively (and generally) speaking just how many articles does it take to start making sales? I wanted to know this because right now I just can't make up my mind about the investment in effort I will need to put in here to make it work. Also is it OK if after my first article is accepted I immediately start by doing public requests?

Thanks a ton!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Greetings! and a noob question

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi and welcome!

Think of it this way, here's your chance to focus on quality over quantity. Yes, the writing is on speculation. However, if the requester doesn't select your article, some other customer may. CC did an analysis last summer and found that 70% of all submitted articles sell. That's huge and I can say that my own numbers back this up. Also, if you do submit a series of articles and then later find that the site isn't for you, you can always remove any unsold ones and use them on your own sites and blogs or post them on revenue share sites or on article marketing directories.

That tomato request is awesome (wishing that I submitted a few, but didn't). As far as I know, you can write to public requests right away. THe only restriction is that new writers can't use the Q&A link to ask customers questions. Most of the time, doing so isn't necessary anyway, so take your time and have fun!
Elizabeth Ann West
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Re: Greetings! and a noob question

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I'm a smaller scale writer and can also back up the numbers. I have written 101 articles to date, and have sold 79 licenses, 57 of then full rights. I think another part of that analysis showed how many articles you needed in your portfolio before sales took off. It's all in the "How to Sell more Articles" and "How to Sell more Articles II" But that is just averages. If you keep an eye on the Recently Sold List for a few days you will see popular topics. If you begin writing to those, you will see sales sooner. Then you can begin balancing your writing wants with what sells quickly. For example, I wrote an article about the recent credit card legislation that went into effect Feb 22. It sold quickly, within a week of posting. Was it my favorite thing to write? No. But then I get to write longer pieces and more creative angles on tired subjects and those take a little longer to sell, but are priced accordingly. One such quirky piece was on not defaulting on your mortgage just to get a loan modification deal because it can throw you into foreclosure instead and create a whole host of other problems. It also recently sold, but took longer to do so, about 2 months.

Also, this is the beginning of the month, I find sales really pick up towards the end of the month.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:06 am

Re: Greetings! and a noob question

Post by Parth »

Thanks so much for your clears up my doubts....7 out of 10 is definitely a good number and totally worth the risk... looking forward to working here.
