Technical Troubles

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Technical Troubles

Post by DLeslie »

Have an article I'm trying to submit, but have no idea what I'm doing. It's a doc. file, , but I get message submission is not complete, so some aspect of sending, uploading, not done right. I'm writing directly in space for short & long summary. Is that wrong? Any place I can get a step-by-step tutorial? I have lots of writing experience, but no technical expertise. Any suggestions? Also I have a dial-up connection, is that a problem?
Posts: 298
Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:34 pm

Re: Technical Troubles

Post by aprilk10 »

Check right under where it reads "Submission Not Complete." It generally will tell you (in smaller type) what you are missing. It is easy to miss when all you see is SUBMISSION NOT COMPLETE" in big letters! :D You might want to check out this link as well! Good luck! ... torial.htm
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Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:34 pm

Re: Technical Troubles

Post by aprilk10 »

Also make sure that you are including at least 1/3 of your article in the long summary. It will show a green check mark if you have enough of the article included. It will also give you the not complete message if the title you have chosen is already in use by another author.
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Re: Technical Troubles

Post by Antonia »

This tutorial should help: ... torial.htm
It looks like the screenshot hasn't been updated, but it's fairly similar to the new screen.