Just out of curiousity.

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Just out of curiousity.

Post by Raida »

Hi all,

I'm just curious, for those who don't mind me asking a somewhat personal question, when you add your name to your article do you use your pen name, your online nic, or your real name?

I'm somewhat at odds with this one as "Raida" is my online nic and it would seem to me that it would only be more professional of me to use either my real name or "real" pen name in my article.

And since I'm asking, just to clear it up, when I'm submitting my article do I include my name within the article itself?

ie: Something Fishy
by R. Trout

Posts: 46
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Location: Canada

Post by Carrie »

Hi Raida,

When I incude my name, it's my real name and it's just a little line at the bottom of the article that says "Written by R. Trout" (to use your example!).
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Post by anarch »

Depending on what I'm writing, I usually will put my real name at the bottom of the articles.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Celeste Stewart is my pen name and I put it in my articles under the title like:

Something Fishy
by Celeste Stewart

It's up to you whether you want to use your real name or a pen name and it depends on the rights offered/purchased whether it even matters at all.

I like to include my pen name regardless so the customer will remember me and hopefully look for more articles by me or request me specifically on a future project. Kind of a "branding" thing I suppose :) LIkewise, I use the same name as my Constant Content nickname so customers don't get confused trying to match my CC nickname with the articles. They may remember one but not associate it with the other. Who knows? I don't, but that's my approach.

I wouldn't use an online nic as a byline.
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Post by Lizaj »

I can never remember to put my name on an article...pen or otherwise. Everytime I see it come up on the boards, I think....Doh!
Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:39 am
Location: Ontario, Canada

Post by Raida »

Thank you all. You've been a huge help. :D
