Recent Added Content

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Recent Added Content

Post by DavidLeePortwood »

My article "Sleep Deprivation: Not A Good Way To Get Ahead!" was posted to Health/Fitness and approved a couple of days ago. So far, it has received only two hits, one from the reviewer, I presume, and the other from me. This is disappointing. I am hoping that when it appears under "Recently Added Content" it will receive a few hits from potential customers, but after a couple of days it still hasn't shown up. Will it ever show up as Recently Added Content? I can't sell it if nobody sees it.

I am assuming that all recent posts appear as Recently Added Content. Is that true?
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Re: Recent Added Content

Post by Lysis »

It takes (I think) 3 days before it shows in the public pool. So, yeah, you'll get more hits when it's in the public pool.

The recently added is the last date stamped article that is added to that section. I've noticed that the list uses the date stamp of when it was submitted...not when it is approved. So, even if yours shows up over the weekend, it still may not be on the first page. (assuming you mean the home page)
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Re: Recent Added Content

Post by jadedragon »

The three days to hit the public pool is only if you submitted for a public or private request. The reviewer does not give you a hit, you start at zero hits. You can give yourself a hit though if you look at your article. You may or may not ever show up on the homepage. The most recently approved article in certain categories is shown, which might be yours depending on how often or in what batches articles are approved.

Of course hits are pretty meaningless. They could be customers, or often other authors looking around. You just need a buyer. Add more articles and they buyers will come.

Getting your article in the right category with lots of appropriate search tags is more important to getting a sale than exposure to random customers seeing the homepage. The tags are very specific: sleep, sleeps, sleeping, sleeper, not sleeping are all different search terms. You can add search terms by editing the listing of the article. Editing at that level does not mean another review.
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Re: Recent Added Content

Post by DavidLeePortwood »

Ok, I'll be patient. By the way, I can accept that my article might not sell, but I was beginning to worry that maybe the site host had died or something, before he could make my article visible to the public. It would be just my luck. Anyway, I'm relieved to hear that that isn't the case. I guess it was my turn to get a lucky bounce.

Thanks for the replies.
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Re: Recent Added Content

Post by Lysis »

Although it's supposed to be 3 days, I think it's more like 4. I'm not sure. I've watched some of my articles, and it seems like it hits the public pool a little while longer than the 3 day it hits the public pool at midnight on the third day. I'm just speculating, though, from my own observations. Don't worry. It will go public.
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Re: Recent Added Content

Post by dmgray »

I thought I would add that some categories and article subjects seem more popular than others. I have had articles that received 50 hits in no time and others that only got 5 in 2 weeks! As mentioned (think it was jadedragon), do not worry too much about the hit count - I had my first sales yesterday, 4 in one day, and 2 of those were articles with under 10 hits. Add more content, respond to requests and don't stress about hits too much (I stressed too, at first) and I am sure you will have a sale soon.
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Re: Recent Added Content

Post by jadedragon »

Awesome way to start with 4 sales at once! You are on your way.