rejected twice for two different problems

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Joined: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:26 pm

rejected twice for two different problems

Post by lbeguelin »

The first time I submitted an article, I had misused a semicolon. I fixed it. The next time I submitted it, I was told two sentences had parallelism problems. I have fixed those, but I am so concerned I'll be rejected again, I feel like I should rewrite the whole thing! Why wasn't I told of both issues the first time?
Posts: 264
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Re: rejected twice for two different problems

Post by 4rumid »

Hi lbeguelin,

I think the reason you weren't told about all the errors at once is that once Ed (the editor who reads the articles for approval) finds a reason for rejection, he stops reading and rejects the article. That's why it's really important to be sure your article is error-free before you submit. So before you resubmit this article, or submit a new one, be sure to go over it with a fine-tooth comb and find any errors you may have missed. Some authors find that reading their articles out loud helps them find errors, others let someone else read the article to look for mistakes. It also helps to put the article aside for a day or two and then go over it again yourself.

Hope that helps. Good luck!